Why would God suddenly mute your ears?

Sudden loss of hearing in one ear or complete loss of hearing is called sudden deafness. But why does a good ear suddenly stop hearing?

Sudden deafness is the reaction of the body "losing pawns to save the car", what does it mean? Blood vessels in the inner ear are a branch of the blood vessel, and an important sign of evolution from apes to humans is increased blood supply to the head.

The blood supply of the head can account for 60% of the blood supply of the whole body, and such a small organ as the inner ear can actually account for 14% of the blood supply of the whole body. In other words, the inner ear is a big energy user of the body.

At this time, once the body has insufficient blood supply, the inner ear function will be discarded first, because compared with the heart function, respiratory function and brain function, there are two inner ears, so one will be sacrificed.

Sudden deafness is also a precursor of cerebrovascular accidents

It should be noted that sudden deafness is not only a problem of the ear, but also a precursor of cerebrovascular accident, or a relatively mild type of cerebrovascular accident. In other words, if you have sudden deafness, it is likely that a cerebrovascular accident has occurred immediately or already.

The famous medical journal published such an article: if you have sudden deafness, the probability of cerebrovascular accident will be six times higher than normal! So whether it is young or old, as long as there is sudden deafness is a precursor of cerebrovascular accident? No, whether your sudden deafness is a precursor of cerebrovascular accident is mainly related to the type of hearing curve.

Patients with sudden deafness will check the hearing test after going to the hospital, if the hearing curve out of the hearing test shows that the hearing is full frequency hearing loss, it is the precursor of cerebrovascular accident. If it is low-frequency hearing loss, it is not a sign of cerebrovascular accident.

Why should sudden deafness be treated with infusion in time?

The pathogenesis of sudden deafness is not complicated, most of it is because of spasms in the blood vessels of the inner ear. So the treatment is also very simple, through the method of infusion with drugs to dredge, to improve the blood supply of the inner ear.

But this infusion treatment must be timely, if not timely treatment, the effect will be greatly reduced. Just like a pot of flowers, if it is clearly known that it is not watered after the dry death, then wait for it to die after watering, it will certainly not be able to live again.

Tinnitus - an important signal of sudden deafness!

How to detect sudden deafness early? Tinnitus is an important precursor to sudden deafness. Different tinnitus sounds are different signals, and some tinnitus is to remind you that your ear is going deaf. How are we supposed to judge?

If the problem is in the inner ear, the sound of tinnitus is like a roaring motor. Nervous system problems.

Tinnitus sounds like someone screaming in your ear. The tinnitus sound with central system problems is usually cranial singing.

Once the three kinds of tinnitus that you just said appear, lasting more than three days, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible for a detailed examination.

You can usually pay attention to whether your hearing is normal when you make a phone call; There is also a good way to judge, is to feel inaudible in a chaotic environment, you have to go to the hospital to test your hearing.

In addition to tinnitus, vertigo may also be a precursor to sudden deafness, patients often go to the neurology department to see a doctor for hospitalization, and the symptoms of deafness will be covered by vertigo, and not dizzy only to find that the hearing has declined, then often have missed the best treatment opportunity!

To avoid sudden deafness, life must be a combination of work and rest

There are hundreds of different causes of sudden deafness. Poor sleep quality, long-term mental stress, overwork, these reasons are most likely to lead to sudden deafness. So do not want to have sudden deafness, life must be a combination of work and rest.

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