My ears are wet and itchy

I believe that many people have had the phenomenon of "itchy ears, but digging ears can not dig anything", is this disease?

The external ear canal is wet and itchy, mostly for external ear canal fungal disease. It is more common in humid and warm areas and occurs in summer.

There are many kinds of pathogenic fungi, Aspergillus, penicillium and candida are the most common ones.

Swimming, showering, middle ear discharge, dripping of various antibacterial drugs into the ear, and ear picking injury are all the predisposition factors of the disease.

Fungal disease of the external ear canal in the early stage of itching in the ear, there is a feeling of swelling, and a small amount of watery discharge.

Hearing loss and tinnitus may occur when the epidermis of the external ear canal falls off over time and forms a scab with mycelium, blocking the external ear canal or covering the surface of the eardrum.

If accompanied by bacterial infection, resulting in subepithelial involvement, can cause swelling in the external ear canal, pain.

Check the external ear canal, the common deep external ear canal has white, gray, yellow or smoke black mold, such as film or fans, like mold, sometimes cylindrical, block.

Remove the white film, place it on the glass sheet, add a little 10% potassium hydroxide solution, and properly warm it, and put it under the microscope to see mycelium or spores, then the diagnosis is clear.

Early treatment can be carried out by dropping a little 3% salicylic acid alcohol solution into the external ear canal, or applying a little dakin cream or clotrimazole ointment with a cotton swab into the external ear canal.

This can be prevented by:

Many people have the habit of picking their ears, in fact, there are many harmful ways to often pick their ears, especially patients with fungal diseases on the feet or other parts of the body, if they pick their ears, it is easy to bring fungi to the external ear canal.

In addition, cerumen in the ear has a bacteriostatic effect. Regular ear-picking removes cerumen but also removes a protective barrier.

Keep the inner ear dry In the summer or when the climate is humid, keep the inner ear canal dry.

If water enters the external ear canal while swimming or washing your hair, tilt your head to the side of the ear facing down, hop on one foot several times, and let the water flow out of the ear when it shakes, or gently dry the external ear canal with a cotton swab.

Do not abuse antibiotics in the external ear canal long-term drops of antibiotics also easily cause fungal disease.

In general, bacteria and fungi have antagonistic effects, if antibiotics are used more, bacteria are suppressed, and fungi are easy to multiply and cause disease.

Therefore, do not abuse antibiotics when there is no clear indication of bacterial infection.

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