Chinese medicine explains that anger leads to stomach pain

It is said that "stomach" is actually an "emotional organ", and "gas to stomach pain" is an experience that many people have had.

Why do you get a stomachache when you get angry?

Gastrointestinal activities are innervated by vegetative nerves. When people are in a state of emotional excitement, that is, stress, it will lead to vegetative nerve disorders, resulting in excessive contraction and spasm of gastrointestinal muscles, excessive secretion of stomach acid, excessive secretion of adrenaline, and vascular contraction affecting gastrointestinal blood supply, all of which may cause pain.

People with chronic gastritis basis, because of their own stomach tissue damage, so it is easier than the average person to "gas to stomach pain."

From the perspective of the relationship between the five elements of Chinese medicine, Muke soil, liver is wood, spleen is soil, when the temper is weak, or liver qi stagnation, Muke soil is too much, there will be a pathological situation of impaired digestive function of the spleen and stomach.

Liver master constipation, the performance is to regulate the rise and fall of qi of the spleen and stomach, regulate emotions, etc., when the mood is not smooth, the liver depression loss and constipation, the liver depression qi stagnation affects the function of the spleen and stomach rise and fall, can appear abdominal pain, poor appetite, acid vomiting and other symptoms.

At the same time, experts remind that female friends to liver for use, often need to take care of work and family, pressure, if not effective guidance, more likely to appear emotional problems, over time, it may appear a variety of physical discomfort.

In addition to digestive symptoms affecting the spleen and stomach, there will also be happy sighing, pain in the side, insomnia, menstrual irregularities and other problems.

Try these tips to relieve stomach pain

Chinese medicine pays attention to "acute treatment of symptoms, slow treatment of root causes." Fundamentally speaking, usually should maintain a good mood, learn some methods of emotional regulation, such as shifting attention, appropriate vent, etc., you can also carry out some outdoor activities such as running, swimming, mountaineering and so on. According to the needs of the condition, you can choose Xiaoyao powder, Chaishao Liujun decoction and other prescriptions, it is recommended to use under the professional guidance of doctors.

If you want to relieve the symptoms of stomach pain in time, there are many effective TCM tricks that everyone can learn, such as acupressure, acupoint moxibustion or hot compress the abdomen.


Kneading and pressing Zusanli: kneading and pressing acupoints with the thumb and finger abdomen, alternately on both sides, lasting 3-5 minutes.

"Zusanli" is located four fingers down from the hollow of the knee

Knead Zhongwan, Tianshu point: use the thumb to evenly knead the acupoint for 3-5 minutes; It can be rubbed after applying universal gold oil, and the effect is better.

Middle duct: located on the front median line of the upper abdomen of the human body, 4 inches above the umbilical cord; Tianshu: Open 2 inches (three fingers) beside the front median line of the abdominal umbilical cord.

Knead Neiguan point: Use the thumb to evenly knead the acupoints, knead while pressing, alternately on both sides, until the acupoints swell and heat.

Neiguan point: Palm upward, the first horizontal line of the wrist up the second tendon between the three fingers.

Abdominal hot compress: Using hot water bag or Chinese medicine pack hot compress on the abdomen can warm the middle and dispel cold, qi and relieve pain. Preparation of traditional Chinese medicine bag: 200g of Evodic wood, 500g of coarse salt, fry or microwave heat, put into cloth bag and seal the mouth.

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