medical equipment mobile; Contactless intelligent robot services, like logistics soldiers, can be everywhere and on call

New knowledge and technologies of modern science are constantly emerging, providing an important scientific research and treatment basis for identifying viruses, detecting viruses, developing drugs, preparing vaccines,

controlling and killing viruses. Understanding is the guide to action. From the perspective of epidemic prevention and control, the correct strategy to fight the epidemic fundamentally depends on scientific understanding,

including the scientific understanding of the trend and law of the epidemic, as well as the scientific understanding of the nature, effect and treatment mechanism of various drugs or different treatment programs.

In addition, the scientific ideas, scientific thinking, scientific methods and scientific beliefs inherent in the development of science and technology provide us with strong spiritual strength and ideological wisdom to overcome the epidemic,

and use the scientific spirit to cultivate a civilized, healthy, green and environmental protection lifestyle, enhance the scientific awareness and scientific quality of the whole society,

which can greatly enhance the scientificity and effectiveness. Therefore, science is the most powerful, and it is the shield against the epidemic. Only by seeking answers and methods from science and relying on scientific wisdom and weapons can we defeat the epidemic.

Scientific and technological innovation is the core force in the fight against COVID-19. Science and technology are the primary productive forces and the primary combat effectiveness in the fight against the epidemic.

To overcome the major epidemic, prevention and control and treatment are extremely important key links. Whether it is prevention and control work or treatment work, scientific and technological innovation is the most powerful hard core force.

Scientific and technological innovation plays an important role in the prevention and control work. The rational wisdom of mankind and the power of science and technology are the strong backing for the fight against the epidemic.

For example, the reagent test box, like a scout with a bright eye to find the virus; Infrared temperature detector, like the guard soldiers, "a sweep" will know the abnormal body temperature; Mobile hospital equipment,

like engineers, so that the hospital, medical equipment mobile; Contactless intelligent robot services, like logistics soldiers, can be everywhere and on call.

These innovative means of science and technology have become the most reliable comrades of mankind and the hardest technology in the prevention and control of the epidemic. Their "arms" have coordinated and closely cooperated with each other,

and their tactical tactics are scientific and reasonable. They can cover different links and scenarios such as monitoring, diagnosis and treatment, service and logistics support, forming a core strength for overall joint operations.

In the treatment work, the key to improving the cure rate, reducing the mortality rate, and ultimately defeating the epidemic depends on scientific and technological wisdom. In the treatment process,

whether it is the screening of effective drugs, the research and development of advanced medical equipment, the formulation of safe and reliable diagnosis and treatment schemes and clinical treatment methods,

and the acquisition of advanced medical technology, all rely on scientific and technological research. Accelerate the process of drug research and development, adhere to the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine,

accelerate the promotion and application of effective drugs that have been developed and screened, constantly explore new treatment means, and constantly use advanced treatment methods to improve the treatment level of severe and critically ill patients,

as far as possible to prevent patients with mild symptoms from transforming into severe diseases, in order to improve the treatment capacity and level, and save more patients' lives.

Only by consolidating scientific and technological support with scientific and technological innovation and building a strong core force in the fight against the epidemic can we ultimately defeat the epidemic.

Only by using a good weapon and building a hard core can we achieve scientific prevention and control. Scientific prevention and control is an important way to fight the epidemic. To this end, we must make good use of the tools of science and technology,

strengthen scientific faith, respect the laws of science, treat the epidemic with a scientific attitude, spirit and thinking, use scientific principles, scientific knowledge, scientific means and technological methods to solve various contradictions and problems in the epidemic,

uncover its mystery, grasp the nature and laws of the epidemic, and act in accordance with the inherent laws of epidemic prevention and control and clinical medicine. Find the right answers for prevention and treatment.

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