High incidence of respiratory diseases How to exercise

Recently, there has been a high incidence of respiratory diseases, and children may be infected with multiple viruses. For example, influenza virus combined with adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus infection, etc., leading to cough, fever, runny nose and other symptoms.

Strengthening exercise at ordinary times is conducive to improving children's physique and preventing the occurrence of respiratory tract infection; Moderate exercise for children recovering from respiratory diseases can help their bodies recover.

Exercise prevents respiratory infections

Strengthening exercise can improve children's physical fitness, prevent the occurrence of respiratory infection, and promote children's physical and mental health. Children of all ages should meet the minimum daily exercise requirements.

Infants and young children under the age of 3 should exercise in a variety of forms, including activities of different exercise intensities, so that the body is active every day.

Preschool children aged 3 to 6 years should accumulate at least 180 minutes of total physical activity per day. Exercise at a moderate intensity or above for at least 60 minutes a day. Moderate-intensity exercise is usually characterized by breathing faster than usual, a faster heart rate, and a slight sweat. Sports include brisk walking, running and jumping games, skipping rope, kicking a ball and so on.

Children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per day, including at least three days of vigorous physical activity per week. High intensity physical activity is usually marked by breathing significantly faster than usual, a large increase in heart rate, sweating, and not being able to speak until you stop exercising. Sports include running fast, playing hard, kicking a ball or cycling fast. At the same time, children in this age group should also carry out resistance activities to strengthen muscle strength and bone health, avoid sitting for a long time, and exercise appropriately between classes.

Children and adolescents are encouraged to exercise in climates with fresh air and plenty of natural light. During the epidemic of respiratory diseases, outdoor activities should be carried out in places with fewer people, and masks should not be worn during strenuous exercise. When the air quality is poor, such as haze, high temperature, high cold and other weather, outdoor activities should be suspended or reduced as appropriate, and turned into indoor activities.

For children and adolescents who lack exercise for a long time, it is recommended to take a gradual approach to gradually increase the amount of exercise and exercise intensity, that is, start with a small amount of activity and low intensity, gradually increase the duration, frequency and intensity, and finally reach the above recommended level.

Exercise less and rest more during acute infection

Respiratory infections not only affect the respiratory system, but also have a negative impact on the overall health of children. In the acute infection period of children and adolescents, it is not recommended to exercise, should try to rest, ensure adequate sleep time.

Children and adolescents need more rest during the illness, parents should carefully choose food and design recipes, so that children take in sufficient energy and nutrient supply to enhance the body's resistance.

Parents should use light cooking methods, such as steaming, boiling, stewing, blanching, mixing, etc., less frying, baking, pickling, etc. Parents can do lean vegetable porridge, egg and vegetable noodle soup, vegetable and meat small wontons and other digestible and nutritious foods, which can improve the child's appetite and ensure the protein and energy supply. During the illness, children should eat a moderate amount of lean meat with low fat content, and do not eat fatty meat, pork belly and other meat with high fat content.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner are arranged three times a day, and preschool children can have two extra meals. The interval between the two meals is 4-5 hours, and the interval between the extra meal and the main meal is 1.5 to 2 hours. The extra meal is arranged once in the afternoon.

During a respiratory infection, drinking enough water can boost the body's metabolism, help cool down, and dilute sputum.

2 to 5 years old recommended to drink 600 to 800 ml of water a day.

6 to 10 years old drink 800 to 1000 ml of water every day.

11 to 13 years old drink 1100 to 1300 ml of water every day.

14 to 17 years old drink 1200 to 1400 ml per day.

Drink water to follow the principle of small amounts, many times, slow drinking, do not wait for thirst to drink water. Opt for plain water instead of sugary drinks. No drinks, juices, etc.

The exercise intensity was reduced appropriately during the rehabilitation period

Adequate energy and balanced nutrition are essential for the immune system to function and maintain its combat effectiveness. When the child's disease is in remission, the daily diet needs to choose multiple categories and varieties of food, and reasonable collocation. At this time, even if the child's appetite increases, it is necessary to pay attention to controlling the amount of diet to prevent "food recovery", that is, eating improperly in the case of incomplete recovery of the body, resulting in repeated illness.

Compared with the normal state, the exercise during the rehabilitation period should shorten the exercise time (5 to 10 minutes each time), reduce the intensity of exercise, and moderate and low intensity exercise (such as walking) is appropriate to avoid strenuous exercise and going out to play caused by repeated illness.

Choose a warm and humid environment for exercise. The appropriate ambient temperature is 15℃~22℃, and the relative humidity is 40% ~ 65%. Environmental pollution factors can aggravate the release of airway inflammatory factors and airway pathological changes, and exercise in a polluted environment may induce respiratory symptoms, so parents should avoid allowing children to exercise in a polluted environment.

It should be noted that children should not wear too much, but not too little, in order to keep their hands warm and their bodies free from sweat in a quiet state. There is an old saying in Chinese medicine that children should dress with "warm back, warm stomach, warm feet and cool head". Winter weather is cold, on the one hand to avoid sweating cold, on the other hand to accumulate the body's essence, waiting for the growth of the next spring, so pay attention to "winter storage". Children can carry out appropriate outdoor sports activities in sunny, windy and sunny weather, and avoid staying outdoors in windy and snowy weather.

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