Analyze the impact of science education on world development, and share international experience in training innovative talents based on science and innovation education

In recent years, scientific and technological innovation and scientific popularization work in Jinan City promote and integrate with each other, providing strong support for high-quality economic and social development.

In the 11th sample survey of Chinese citizens' scientific literacy, the proportion of Jinan citizens with scientific literacy reached 14.6%, 4 percentage points higher than the national average,ranking first in the province.

The city's science and technology week will closely follow the instructions of the Party's 20th Congress on "making overall arrangements and integrated deployment of education, science and technology and talents",

closely follow the theme of "carrying forward the spirit of scientists", closely combine scientific and technological innovation with science popularization, and carry out a series of science popularization activities that are conducive to stimulating the innovation vitality of the whole society such as science

popularization by experts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and youth invention competitions. In addition, this "Science and Technology Activity Week" has also been included in the 2024 Jinan City "Haiyou Talent Festival" boutique activities, helping Jinan to start the business card of "science and technology talent".

On the morning of May 25, the launch ceremony was held in Qilu Zhongke Electrotechnical Advanced Electromagnetic Drive Technology Research Institute. At the launch ceremony, a special theme exhibition was launched,

which was divided into four sections: "Blueprint for Innovation: The Party's 20 Guiding Scientific and Technological Innovation Road", "New engine of Science and Technology: Driving Innovation and Development of Science and universities in China", "Carrying forward the spirit of scientists:

National celebrities and Quancheng Science and technology heroes" and "Scientific and technological innovation achievements". Nearly 20 science and technology enterprises, research institutes, university innovation teams and science popularization bases in the city participated in the exhibition.

Under the joint efforts and careful planning of municipal departments and relevant units, during this year's activity week, the city will arrange more than 300 lectures on popular science into the community, which is expected to benefit more than 5,000 people,

and arrange more than 100 lectures on popular science into the campus, which is expected to benefit more than 20,000 teachers and students; Encourage the city's scientific research institutions and science popularization education bases at all levels to increase their openness,disseminate scientific knowledge through multiple channels, and display scientific and technological achievements.

In the next step, a series of science popularization activities such as the city's science popularization explanation contest and science popularization micro video contest will be organized to vigorously promote the spirit of scientists,

establish a social fashion of advocating science, and promote the formation of a strong atmosphere of respecting knowledge, advocating innovation and respecting talents in the whole society.The 21st Shanghai Education Expo opens the Summit Forum focusing on science education and innovative talent training

On May 24, the 21st Shanghai Education Expo 2024 was officially opened under the guidance of the Shanghai Education and Health Working Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Shanghai Education Commission, and sponsored by the Shanghai Education Press Headquarters. The "Science Education and Innovative Talent Training Summit Forum" was held at the Shanghai Exhibition Center.

With the theme of "Science and Technology Building the Future Education Burning the Dream", the forum brought together top experts, scholars and representatives of leading enterprises from the fields of education,

science and technology, information technology and culture to discuss and exchange on the theme of "Science education and innovative talent training" in the form of speeches, round-table salons and live performances.

During the forum, many well-known experts, scholars, and business representatives discussed from the macro perspective of "science education and world development".

James Davies, Associate Professor of University of Queensland, Australia, Zhang Xiaojun, Chief Education Officer of Western Suburbs University of Liverpool, and Shuipeng, Vice President of Government Affairs of Microsoft China,

brought special topics from different perspectives of schools, enterprises and international and domestic perspectives, and analyzed the development model of world science education with the participants.

Analyze the impact of science education on world development, and share international experience in training innovative talents based on science and innovation education.

In the afternoon's sharing, Liu Jian, deputy director of Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, gave an opening report on the importance of science education for the training of innovative talents from the perspective of science popularization venues,

which attracted the attention of many viewers. Subsequently, experts and scholars such as Tong Shijun, President of New York University Shanghai, Lu Tun, deputy dean of the School of Computer Science of Fudan University and deputy director of the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Data Science,

Jiang Xiaoyuan, chair professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the first dean of the Institute of History and Science and Culture of Science, discussed "science education and innovative talent training" and analyzed the bottleneck of the development of science education. To explore the mode of training high-level talents, and find the path and mode of integrated deployment of education, science and technology, and talent work.

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