Why should we pursue fashion?

Fashion is the fashion of the moment. Many people, especially young people, like to pursue fashion very much. Do you know why? Fashion makes yourself do things well Fashion means beautiful.

Fashionable clothes and hairstyles make people look comfortable; Fashionable food, let people eat delicious; The language of fashion is pleasing to the ear; The act of fashion is pleasing to the eye.

The love of beauty is common to all. Fashion not only makes oneself elegant, happy and confident, but also makes others feel happy, respect themselves, pay attention to themselves, get close to themselves, and help themselves.

People are willing to deal with monk people, willing to help fashion people, fashion let us do things well.

Fashion is a means of novelty. Many people, especially young people, like novelty.

Because fashion represents the forefront, avant-garde, on behalf of the different, so many people through the pursuit of fashion to mark their own personality, and even to express their parents, teachers, leaders, and society rebellious.

Many young people like to wear beggar pants, in the eyes of their parents, is an incredible thing, parents will say, our family is not poor to this point, how do you buy such jeans? "That's the way I like it," said the young man.

In fact, it is to fight against the traditional standard casual wear, especially against the suit. Many people have their own idols, these idols include singers, movie stars, sports stars, anchors and so on. Because of idolatry, it is easy to imitate idols.

These stars are often the initiator and leader of fashion. Because some stars have Bob hair, the Bob hair has become the object of imitation for many girls, and there was a wave of popularity.

Jeans were originally worn by American gold miners, and then they were worn by stars on the stage, and then they quickly became popular and became a fashion. Make a statement about yourself by pursuing certain fashions. In order to show their identity, it is fashionable to wear Anima clothes and wear Dior perfume.

In order to show their petty bourgeois sentiment, to participate in art exhibitions, to travel around the world, to do overseas shopping, and to mix English in the language is fashionable.

In order to show that you love sports, it is fashionable to join the gym, actively participate in marathons, and drive an all-terrain vehicle to the desert or prairie for a wild ride. The promotion of government will also promote the birth and development of some fashions.

In recent years, the state encourages the development of rural e-commerce, so some rural areas have appeared "feel the wonderful e-commerce, experience fashion life" propaganda, online shopping and online sales have become some rural fashion.

At present, because the state advocates a green and low-carbon life and gives relevant preferential policies, many people choose new energy cars when buying cars, and choosing new energy vehicles has become a fashion. Because fashion represents cutting-edge, avant-garde, novel, and even represents young, many people will take the initiative to fashion up in order not to let themselves fall behind.

In the south, most young women dye their hair yellow, and some older women also dye their hair yellow to make themselves look younger, even though they already have white hair.

Now is the era of mobile Internet, artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, blockchain and other technologies are profoundly changing social production and people's lives, in order not to let themselves lag behind, although many people do not have much of this basis, but, are learning and talking about these new technologies for fashion.

The reason why some people pursue fashion is because the people around them are pursuing fashion, if they are not fashionable, they appear to be out of the crowd and worry about being excluded. Other people wear this style of clothes, I have to wear this style of clothes. Everyone else is buying Hongxing Turk, I'm buying Hongxing Turk. People around me order take-out instead of dining in the canteen, and I order take-out too.

A few years ago, it was fashionable for people to use iphones, and some people went to the extreme of selling their kidneys to buy iphones. Fashion is a way of life, we advocate in their own ability to pursue their own fashion, against the unrealistic blind pursuit of fashion. Appropriate, is the best.

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