make the social security system more sound and complete

First, we need to comprehensively improve the social security system. The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly calls for "improving a multi-level social security system that covers all people,

integrates urban and rural areas, is fair and unified, is safe and standardized, and is sustainable." Among them, "covering the whole people" reflects the requirements of inclusiveness, "overall urban and rural" highlights the narrowing of the gap between urban and rural areas,

"fair and unified" aims at the fragmentation of the system in reality, "safety norms" corresponds to the reliable and standardized operation of the system, "sustainable" emphasizes that it can benefit generations of people,

and "multi-level" meets the needs of the people for a better life. It can be seen that the construction of the future-oriented social security system needs to be comprehensively promoted rather than a single breakthrough in the past,

which means that the overall view and systemization of the social security system must be established, and the synergy between systems and departments must be substantially enhanced.

The "safety norms" first mentioned in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Party reflect this requirement, because only by making concerted efforts to ensure the safe, reliable and standardized operation of the system can the healthy and sustainable development of the entire social security system be achieved.

Second, we should work hard to build a multi-tiered social security system. What China needs to establish is a multi-level system of pension insurance, medical security, social assistance, old-age service and housing security.

The essence is to consolidate the statutory social security system that the government is responsible for or led by, at the same time, give full play to the enthusiasm of market players and social forces,

and allocate more and better resources through market mechanisms and charitable mechanisms. Further, the material base of the social security system is continuously strengthened,

which constitutes the necessary condition for the sustainable development of social security and to meet the growing needs of the people for a better life.

Therefore, the complete framework of the social security system should be planned as soon as possible and the functions of institutional arrangements at different levels should be accurately positioned.

While guiding and supporting market players and social forces to actively participate in the construction of the social security system, the functions of institutional arrangements at different levels should be complementary and orderly connected.

Finally, we need to deepen the reform of the main social security system. On the one hand, as the two most important social security system arrangements with wide coverage and large fund scale,

the basic pension insurance and basic medical insurance urgently need to accelerate the optimization and move to a mature and finalized new stage of development. The key of the former is to realize the true national overall planning,

and the key of the latter is to enhance mutual assistance. Both of them also need to improve the financing mechanism and treatment adjustment mechanism. On the other hand, it is necessary to speed up the shortcomings of the system,

including the establishment of a long-term care insurance system, a basic old-age service system, and the development of welfare programs for women, children and the disabled, so as to actively respond to the aging population and realize the goal of balanced population development,

and make the social security system more sound and complete.New characteristics of social governance community construction from the perspective of overall national security

Entering the new era, the Party Central Committee with comrades at its core attaches great importance to strengthening and innovating social governance, and has put forward a series of new ideas, theories,

and viewpoints based on the law of building and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and firmly grasping the general requirements of modernizing the country's governance system and capacity.

In the report of the Party's 20th National Congress, the construction of the social governance community was once again emphasized, that is, "develop and strengthen the power of mass prevention and mass governance,

create a social atmosphere of doing good deeds, and build a social governance community where everyone has responsibilities, everyone is responsible, and everyone enjoys."

This is a further enrichment and expansion of the Party and the state's innovative ideas on social governance since the 18th National Congress of the Party, and another theoretical breakthrough and practical attempt to explore the road of Chinese-style modernization.

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