he has passed on the experience of "The Methods and Skills of Paper Writing"

To adhere to problem-oriented academic theoretical research, we need to grasp three principles: First, we should always focus on the practical problems in the development of literature and art in the process of Chinese-style modernization;

second, we should always be guided by the scientific method of Marxism; third, we should always bear in mind the idea that the people are first, and take safeguarding the fundamental interests of the people and meeting their spiritual and cultural needs as the starting point and goal of understanding and thinking about issues. As a fundamental measure to evaluate and solve problems.

Professor Zhou Ying from Taishan University, first Prize winner of Shandong Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award, Professor Peng Hongfeng, vice president of Shandong University of Finance and Economics, and Professor Zheng Zhihang,

vice dean of Shandong University Law School, combined with their respective award achievements, respectively made "Compilation of Taishan Chronicle History" and "Research on International finance related Issues:

In the past 15 years, he has passed on the experience of "The Methods and Skills of Paper Writing", shared his research experience and research methods, and interacted with young scholars, which was warmly welcomed and highly praised by the participants.

Professor Si Dengkui of Qingdao University, academic leader of Shandong Province Social Science Youth Talent team, said: "The lecturing expert, as an 'experienced person', combined with his own research experience, made a systematic and detailed sharing,

rich in content, profound in thought, and pertinent in advice, which really spoke to the heart of young scholars, made us have a great resonance, and pointed out the direction for young scholars to carry out high-level research."The 21st Expo came to show the results of Shanghai science education online and offline

Under the guidance of Shanghai Education and Health Working Committee of the Communist Party of China and Shanghai Education Commission, the 21st Shanghai Education Expo 2024 was officially opened at Shanghai Exhibition Center recently.

The theme of this exhibition is "Science leads the future, education helps China". From now to 26th for the offline exhibition, the same period online and will continue until the end of June.

The 21st Shanghai Education Expo launched the Shanghai Education Influence electronic map "Science education edition". The electronic map includes "Map of Shanghai Student (youth) Science and Innovation Education Base",

"Site map of Shanghai Science Education Experience Base", "National Primary and Secondary School Science Education Experimental Area and experimental School (Shanghai Area) map", "Shanghai Science and Technology Education Characteristic Demonstration School map",

"National Primary and Secondary School Artificial Intelligence Education Base (Shanghai Area) map", To facilitate the public to view the city's scientific education resources inside and outside the school.

During the exhibition, the organizer also set up a special interactive experience area of Shanghai Education Influence electronic map, where participants can get the most practical education modernization guide at their fingertips.

This Expo is closely linked to the Party's 20 major spirit and the main line of building an education power, focusing on the "trinity" of education, science and technology, and talents, and fully demonstrates that under the leadership of the Party,

Shanghai has exemplary and leading system design, characteristic practices and important achievements in science and technology education and innovative talent training. It reflects the responsibility of Shanghai Education in helping the construction of a powerful education country and promoting the Chinese-style modernization.

This year, a total of 127 educational units participated in the offline exhibition, and the exhibition area was divided into municipal exhibition area, higher education exhibition area,

regional education exhibition area, vocational education exhibition area, enterprise exhibition area, as well as the Yangtze River Delta integration and development theme area, and science education characteristics theme area.

Along with the opening of the offline exhibition of Shanghai Education Expo, the online exhibition of Shanghai Education Expo has also been officially launched and will last until the end of June.

Online viewing of the exhibition can be logged in through the "Shanghai Education Expo" mini program, through the "Cloud exhibition", "cloud map", "cloud live broadcast", "science education", "news perspective", "exhibition board", "exhibition guide" and "previous highlights" and other sections, to see the different education Expo.

After the opening ceremony, the organizing committee launched a number of high-quality education forums. There are four exploration routes at the Expo site. After collecting the stamps of the corresponding routes at the site,

visitors can go to the exchange area, exchange the special cultural and creative products of the Expo with the collection of stamps, and feel the happy interactive experience of viewing the exhibition.

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