The White House made two wars, how all to China made wedding clothes? Americans don't understand

There are currently two major wars going on around the world: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Middle East and the Russian-Ukrainian war in Eastern Europe.

Needless to say, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine can already be concluded that this is a geopolitical conflict that the United States has been premeditated for a long time and promoted by Zelensky as a proxy, and has now evolved into a large-scale war affecting the entire Eastern Europe and even the world.

And the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, ostensibly provoked by Hamas attacks, has been exacerbated by America's staunch support for Israel. If this continues, the conflict will no longer be confined to Gaza, but will most likely engulf the entire Middle East.

And what I want to say today is that the Americans may not understand how they directly or indirectly made two wars, how all to the number one rival China, made marriage clothes? If you think about it, it is really the case that China never intervened in the two major wars, but both created completely new situations as a result.

Let's start with the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Since the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine, China-Russia relations have advanced by leaps and bounds, and three pieces of good news have been welcomed recently. First, Mongolia is no longer wavering, and plans to establish seven dry ports, in order to expand trade with China and Russia, and benefit the circulation of Sino-Russian trade.

Second, the Russian Vice president said that in the future, Russia's natural gas supply to China will reach 100 billion cubic meters per year. Third, the trade volume between China and Russia will exceed US $200 billion this year, which is set to be confirmed. Before 2030, the trade volume between China and Russia will exceed 300 billion US dollars, which is not far away.

Do you understand that when Sino-Russian relations reach an unprecedented height, the trade firepower of both sides is fully opened, China's natural gas does not have to worry about, and the excess domestic production capacity can also be exported to Russia, and everyone uses RMB and rubles to settle, and both sides get what they need, everyone is happy.

Coupled with Mongolia's help, the height of China-Russia cooperation is far from reaching the upper limit. For China, the great changes in the international situation brought about by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine have opened up a new situation for China both at the geopolitical level and at the energy trade level.

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