Why don't you see tall buildings in the nation's capital?

With the development of economy nowadays, tall buildings can be seen everywhere. In China, as long as the capital city is bound to have a trace of tall buildings, and for the capital, there are more imposing buildings. As a developed country, the United States is indispensable for its tall buildings, but as the capital of the United States, Washington. High-rise buildings are rare. What are the reasons for this? Let's find out.

In Washington, except for the Washington Monument, which is less than 200 meters and the Capitol building, which is 88 meters, most of the other buildings are 10 stories, which makes many people puzzled. Originally at the end of the 19th century, the United States had started to build high-rise buildings in DuPont Circle, east of the White House, including the Cairo apartment as high as 50 meters, 14 floors. At the same time, Americans felt uneasy about a building that stood out from the crowd, worried about whether it was too tall for safety, and what would happen if it caught fire? What about the lighting of the surrounding buildings?

So Congress stepped in, and in 1899 Congress passed the Capital Height Limit Act. This was further tightened in 1910, when buildings in Washington were limited to 27 m (90 ft) in residential blocks, 40 m (130 ft) in commercial blocks, and 49 m (160 ft) in a small section of Pennsylvania Avenue. Because of this limitation, Washington is the capital of the United States, but it is insulated from tall buildings. Because of this restriction, the Capitol and the Washington Monument have become prominent.

Although Washington, as the capital, there are no high-rise buildings, different from the capitals of other countries, but because of this restriction, the air of the city of Washington is particularly fresh, and the skyline is particularly magnificent, many people say that in Washington, it is like a big garden, blue sky and white clouds shine, making people feel comfortable. Compared with the luxurious and prosperous capitals of other countries, it may have a different flavor.

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