The United States dared to destroy Milosevic, Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, why dare not do it against the Kim family in North Korea

In the last half century, the United States has often tried to overthrow the regimes of hostile countries. The former Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and Iraq were all victims. Yugoslavia's Slobodan Milosevic, as well as Iraq's Saddam Hussein and Syria's Gaddafi, were once national leaders, but the United States "forced" them to step down.

But there is one country that has been hard on the United States without incident: North Korea. So why has North Korea not been defeated by the United States like the former Yugoslavia and Iraq? To understand these details, it is necessary to understand how Milosevic, Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi were removed from power.

The former Milosevic was also undeniably prominent, having entered politics as early as 1966 as economic adviser to the president of the Belgrade City Assembly. He later rose to the position of Chairman of the Presidency of the Republic of Serbia, that is, the President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

After the great changes in Eastern Europe and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Yugoslav Federation was hit by capitalism and the whole country was on the verge of collapse. The key moment was when Milosevic came forward and declared the end of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the creation of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

For nearly a decade, he relied almost entirely on his personal political charisma to keep the Confederacy alive. Under his leadership, Yugoslavia once gained the upper hand in a separatist armed conflict, but he was eventually toppled by Western intelligence agencies such as the CIA and Britain's MI6.

Milosevic's failure was that Yugoslavia was simply too divided. During the Yugoslav Federal period, the relatively closed state, coupled with a more moderate government policy towards multi-ethnicity, was able to eke out stability.

However, after the dissolution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the new Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was integrated into the international community, which did promote the economic and social development of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, but it also meant that the intelligence agencies of European and American countries could enter Yugoslavia openly.

What's more, Milosevic used a tough policy in dealing with ethnic issues, and he almost completely changed the conciliatory strategy implemented under Tito, which indeed maintained the stability of the country in the short term, but also left some hidden dangers. Milosevic was overthrown by local forces secretly supported by Western intelligence agencies, as well as opposition within the government.

When Milosevic was ousted from power, the army, as the "state machine", did not intervene and watched the president fall. Even at the beginning of this century, the Yugoslav government put him in prison on charges of corruption and abuse of power in order to get 50 million U.S. dollars in aid.

  • Finally, the pro-Western government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia also directly bypassed the National Assembly by executive order and handed Milosevic over to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, which indirectly made Milosevic controlled by European and American countries.

There are many similarities between the fall of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi and Milosevic, who pursued a foreign policy that was too tough. When he was the leader of Iraq, he launched several foreign wars - the Iran-Iraq War and the first Gulf War, which brought great damage to the country.

And Iraq has rarely won a real victory in foreign wars, getting beaten up every time, and the domestic opposition has risen over time.

Later, when the United States was completely determined to overthrow Saddam's regime, his elite army basically did not resist the attacks of European and American countries, and even some people directly led the US army.

Less than a month after the March 2003 attack, the U.S. forces entered the Iraqi capital. Instead of resisting the invasion, the Iraqi people stood by the roadside to welcome the coalition troops.

For most of the next six months, Saddam led a small number of his supporters and several of his sons to fight a guerrilla war against the coalition forces. But the tide was turning, and he was arrested in December of that year.

At the end of December 2006, Saddam Hussein was executed. Although Saddam's trial was conducted by the Iraqi High Court, the United States was actually behind it. Saddam Hussein's regime could not survive even a month of Western attacks.

Gaddafi's situation, I think we all know. He was the only country that dared to directly challenge the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, and was finally beaten by the Western coalition for upsetting the five permanent members. There was little resistance from the troops who had been blown up by Gaddafi, who was captured by his own people.

From the experience of these three, we can see that in fact, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Iraqi regime will be toppled, more internal disunity. And these two leaders did make some fatal mistakes, and the result was that the United States seized the opportunity to overthrow.

However, it will be difficult for the West to replicate the situation of Yugoslavia and Iraq in North Korea. Compared with Milosevic and Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong UN is a young and accomplished leader.

Kim Jong-un, who was only in his 30s when he became the leader of North Korea, inherited a country that was itself troubled at home and at home. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, North Korea has had no access to international energy sources, leading to the collapse of its mechanized agriculture within a few years.

And later, the Western countries led by the United States and crazy political and strategic oppression of North Korea, so Kim Jong-un inherited almost a country with underdeveloped agriculture and backward economy, although the military scale is huge, but the level of technology is very low.

Not to mention that Kim Jong-un himself is young, and his old comrades have decades of political experience. But in the end, Kim Jong UN managed to stand out and escape constraints and take full control of the state.

He has also pushed for sweeping economic reforms at home, starting with a 2012 decree to establish 13 economic development zones across the country. At that time, the North Korean government hoped that each development zone would attract $70 million to $240 million in foreign investment to boost the country's economic development.

Also under the leadership of Kim Jong UN, the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly of North Korea issued the Economic Development Zone Law, and the North Korean economy has significantly recovered and developed in the Kim Jong UN era.

In addition, Kim Jong UN has promoted scientific and technological progress, and he has provided particularly favorable living conditions for advanced scientific and technological talents. Although North Korea's overall scientific and technological level is still behind the world average, it has taken a big step forward, and they are now even producing rockets.

Mr. Kim's political maneuvers have made him very popular inside North Korea. With such a solid internal system, no matter how hard Western intelligence agencies try, they cannot target North Korea as they did Milosevic and Saddam Hussein......

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