Former US security adviser says temporary Israeli-Kazakh ceasefire is a 'bad deal'

Former US National Security adviser John Bolton reiterated on Thursday that he believes the temporary ceasefire between Hamas and Israel is a "bad deal."

"Hamas is playing a game of psychological warfare with the Israeli people and the American people," Bolton said in an interview with CNN on Thanksgiving Day.

"They are trying to distract Israel from the strategic task of eliminating Hamas and trying to focus attention on the hostage issue and the situation of civilians in Gaza," he added.

Bolton said that while the current situation is heartbreaking for the families of the hostages, Israel's mission to root out Palestinian armed groups is more important.

Hamas, he said, hopes to turn the four-day lull into a permanent truce to their advantage by breaking the morale or resolve of Israeli forces.

"The agreement itself, at least as I understand the terms that have been announced, is a very bad deal for Israel," he argued. "This is yet another exchange of hostages - innocent victims - for criminals in Israeli jails, with Hamas terrorists outnumbering hostages 3:1."

The deal reached by the groups earlier this week will reportedly allow the release of 50 hostages in exchange for a pause in fighting, one of the most significant developments in the more than six-week-old war. As part of the deal, Israel will also release 150 Palestinian prisoners.

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