The Thanksgiving Day Parade, Biden joined in

US President Joe Biden joined the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade by telephone on Thursday and urged Americans to "come together" and put unity above politics.

Speaking on the line with NBC's Al Roker, Biden reportedly said, "This Thanksgiving, Al, we have to come together. We can have different politics, but we only have one point of view. The idea that we are the best and greatest country in the world. We should focus on that."

He continued: "We should focus on solving our problems, stick together and put aside animosity. We have to bring the country together and treat each other with respect, and I think that's what the vast majority of the American people are saying."

Biden also said, "We must remind ourselves how fortunate we are to live in the greatest country on Earth." Today is all about coming together and giving thanks for the country we call home."

Biden and Jill were speaking by phone from their vacation in Nantucket, Massachusetts, where they typically spend Thanksgiving.

Speaking on the line with NBC's Al Roker, Biden reportedly said, "This Thanksgiving, Al, we have to come together. We can have different politics, but we only have one point of view. The idea that we are the best and greatest country in the world. We should focus on that."

He continued: "We should focus on solving our problems, stick together and put aside animosity. We have to bring the country together and treat each other with respect, and I think that's what the vast majority of the American people are saying."

Biden also said, "We must remind ourselves how fortunate we are to live in the greatest country on Earth." Today is all about coming together and giving thanks for the country we call home."

Biden and Jill were speaking by phone from their vacation in Nantucket, Massachusetts, where they typically spend Thanksgiving.

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