What's next? The European Union and the United States are at odds

On December 15, local time, the current round of Israeli-Palestinian conflict entered the 70th day.

According to the news released by the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora Affairs on the evening of the 15th, in the current round of conflict, the Israeli military operation on the Gaza Strip has killed 18,890 people, and 50,594 people were injured. Earlier figures released by the Israeli side put the Israeli death toll at about 1,200. According to statistics, the current round of conflict has led to more than 20,000 deaths on both sides.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently said that the military offensive against Hamas will continue; Securing the release of more than 130 hostages still held by Hamas remains one of the central objectives of the Israeli military operation. This shows that Israel is still not responding to sustained international pressure for a ceasefire, and means that the enormous humanitarian crisis on the ground in Gaza will continue.

As the Israeli-Palestinian war spreads, there is growing concern about the governance of the Gaza Strip after the war.

Hamas Political Bureau leader Haniyeh said in a televised speech on the 13th local time that Hamas is willing to discuss any idea or initiative that can end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Hamas is open to ending the current conflict, but the future arrangement of the Gaza Strip can not be without Hamas participation.

At present, the international community generally believes that returning to the "two-state solution" is the ultimate way out. However, the Israeli ambassador to the United Kingdom, Hotovili, said "no" to the "two-state solution" on the 13th.

"I think it's time for the world to recognize that the Oslo model failed on October 7 and that we need to build a new model."

Palestinian Prime Minister Ashtiyeh said in an interview on the 14th that the United States has been saying that it supports the two-state solution, but it has not put it into practice. Ashtiyeh also expressed regret over the US veto of a UN Security Council draft resolution on a humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

The two-day European Union (EU) Winter Summit concluded in Brussels, Belgium on Monday. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the main issues at the summit, and EU leaders remain divided on the issue, although a growing number of leaders are calling for a ceasefire.

Dong Yifan, an assistant researcher at the Institute of European Studies at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, pointed out in an interview with the China Media Group Global Information Broadcast that the EU has not fully followed the pace of the United States on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The different interests of Europe and the United States in the Middle East have led to the difference in their positions.

· More than ever, both the EU and its member states have returned to political reality. The EU is now calling for a ceasefire, a return to a two-state solution and a solution to the humanitarian crisis, while also changing its stance on Israel's continued military operations in Gaza. At the national level, a growing number of EU member states have come to support the position of an immediate ceasefire.

· The United States not only supports Israel politically, but also provides a lot of military assistance. The attitude of the United States to fuel the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has worsened the situation and led to the increasingly severe humanitarian problems in Gaza.

· For the EU, the Middle East is its big neighborhood, and the EU is now facing more crises, which also affect the flexibility and adjustment space of its foreign and geo-security policies. Therefore, the EU is now more focused on a ceasefire to stop the fighting, hoping that the conflict will ease and the situation in the region will become more stable. Perry won widespread fame as well as a decades-long battle with alcohol and drug abuse.

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