What should you do when chest pain hits

Everyone talks about "cancer," but you don't know that there is a disease that causes far more deaths than all cancer diseases combined. This disease is sometimes dangerous, sometimes hidden, it is the "first killer" of public health - coronary heart disease. What are the typical symptoms of coronary heart disease that makes people smell?

Coronary heart disease is really close to you.

Everyone's cognition of coronary heart disease is different, some people think that coronary heart disease is not so terrible, become a "workplace health" killer some alarmist; Some people think I am still young, coronary heart disease is an old disease, far away from me. In fact, the risk of coronary heart disease is everywhere.

The human heart is the size of an adult's fist. Open the heart will find a "two rooms and two halls" of the house, everyone's house has wires, this wire for the heart is through the conduction of "electricity" to make the heart beat, the heart surface has a lot of similar tubes of arteries and veins system, here the artery is usually referred to as "coronary artery".

Coronary heart disease, in medical terms, is called coronary heart disease, which is a type of heart disease. It is prone to three problems:

★ Plaque. It is mostly due to the lack of attention to diet, love to eat greasy food, resulting in oil deposition in the blood vessels.

★ Vasospasm. Spasms often occur in areas where blood vessels are blocked, resulting in poor blood supply.

★ Blood clots. A plaque in the heart ruptures and a blood clot, or clot, develops.

The above three conditions are the main risk factors of coronary heart disease, accounting for about 95%. Of course, there are other diseases such as coronary arteritis that can also cause coronary heart disease, but the proportion is very low.

In our concept, coronary heart disease is the patent of the elderly, with the change of lifestyle, diet structure, and the increase of various detection methods in hospitals, it is found that coronary heart disease shows a trend of younger people. In particular, the incidence of young and middle-aged men in the workplace has increased significantly, which is mainly related to workplace work pressure, emotional fluctuations, fatigue, diet and other factors.

Unit routine physical examination, electrocardiogram examination is essential, it is the most intuitive way of heart examination.

An electrocardiogram can reflect the rhythm of the heartbeat, and by a certain location, it can also reflect whether the heart is ischemic. Electrocardiogram is very confusing and may differ greatly from the results of disease diagnosis. In general, except in typical cases, the diagnostic accuracy of a single ECG is about 50%.

It is suggested that when the doctor says that there is myocardial ischemia or coronary heart disease due to T-shaped changes in the electrocardiogram, this is not correct. Ecg diagnosis is only meaningful when the person is in both normal and seizure states, and there are significant changes in a specific area. At this time, the cardiovascular or CT examination can be stimulated by adding exercise electrocardiogram tests, and the accuracy can be about 90%.

Therefore, we do not have to worry too much about the abnormality of the electrocardiogram, but we can not ignore the sub-health of our body because the electrocardiogram is not abnormal. However, when there is a recent decline in activity, such as the past can quickly walk 1000 meters, now 200 meters will take a rest, and then go again, it is still very uncomfortable, this may be a typical symptom of myocardial ischemia, and it is urgent to go to a regular hospital to check.

What's wrong with the chest discomfort

Most people in the workplace feel young and often do not care in the physical examination. In fact, because of the changes in the way of work and lifestyle, coronary heart disease may be around you, and you are getting closer and closer to the struggle of leaving the field.

Patients often have chest pain or chest tightness symptoms, chest discomfort is not a typical symptom of coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease can indeed be judged by the preliminary symptoms, but the symptoms of coronary heart disease are general, including angina pectoris, chest tightness, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, and even arm pain, toothache, or neck tightness, so it is difficult to judge from simple chest discomfort.

Conditions that cause chest discomfort:

● Organic diseases: such as cardiogenic diseases, are caused by a variety of causes of permanent organ damage.

● Heart disease: if the heartbeat is too fast or too slow, heart rate failure, there is fluid in the pericardium, you will feel chest tightness.

● Respiratory diseases such as asthma.

● Mental illness: If there is a mental disorder that makes the patient overly anxious, it will increase physical impropriety.

● Occupational characteristics: such as police on duty on the road in hazy weather.

When blood vessels narrow to a certain extent, blood is sufficient when you do not exercise. But a little exercise, such as walking faster, the heart needs a large amount of blood, the blood supply is not on, there will be ischemic symptoms, there will be fatigue angina. Fatigue intensity does not refer to a period of time, but local time, such as the original five floors of no problem, now on two or three floors, chest tightness or chest pain symptoms, this situation as soon as possible to seek medical attention.

For young people, it is easy to take a self-test. When you feel uncomfortable in the chest, you can go out to run, climb the building, or swim, if the intense exercise is very comfortable, indicating that the continuous chest tightness and the heart is not related.

However, for older people, simple self-testing is risky, it is better to go to the hospital directly for examination, remember not to be careless. It can be excluded by heart color ultrasound, coronary artery CT and other examinations. Do not feel chest discomfort, think it is a heart problem, do not overstrain. It is recommended that both cardiology and respiratory examinations be performed separately.

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