Sub-healthy state Drink less coffee

Nowadays, more and more people like to drink coffee. Get up early enough to wake up, to a cup; Stay up late to work overtime, to a cup; Friends get together, have a drink. Some people like it taste sweet, some people like it can refresh the mind, and some people think it helps to lose weight, beauty... Coffee has many benefits, but it's not for everyone. Doctors have long warned that drinking coffee should be individual and moderate.

After two cups of Americano, heart rate increases, hands shake and headache

Drinking too much coffee in a sub-health state is especially easy to be "recruited"

Recently, it is not uncommon for patients who drink coffee to feel nervous and chest tightness in the clinic, and most of them are young women.

Most patients with symptoms of drinking coffee are already in a sub-health state such as fatigue, and then drinking a lot of coffee, caffeine stimulates the sympathetic nerve, causing the sympathetic nervous system to overexcite.

For most people, drinking one or two cups of coffee is fine, coffee itself does not cause heart palpitations, but the caffeine in it will make people's sympathetic nerves more excited. When this happens, it is actually the body that rings the alarm bell for you, indicating that the body is in a sub-healthy state, which can be said to be caffeine intolerance.

It can be known that the caffeine contained in coffee is a xanthine alkaloid compound that excites the central nervous system, temporarily driving away sleepiness and restoring energy. When drinking a large amount of coffee, caffeine gathers too much in the body, there will be adverse reactions of caffeine, such as fluffiness, dizziness, weakness of hands and feet, and trance.

Too busy, high pressure and tension work, will constantly stimulate people's sympathetic nerves.

If you are always in a state of high tension, the sympathetic nervous system is too excited for a long time, it will cause the heart to be overburdened, the heart rate to increase, and even cause arrhythmia.

If this is not adjusted in time, the heart will be damaged.

Some sudden heart disease patients sudden death is because of continuous staying up late, emotional excitement, tension, induced nervous dysfunction, coronary artery spasm, sudden cardiac ischemia and sudden death.

The elderly and patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular history, it is best not to drink coffee

In this regard, the doctor reminded that if people are in a very tired sub-health state, they should put down their work and rest, otherwise there will be more serious consequences such as arrhythmia.

In addition, coffee, strong tea and so on are not suitable for everyone to drink, pregnant women, infants, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients should not drink coffee, especially with serious coronary heart disease patients, premature beat patients, arrhythmia, heart dysfunction patients, stomach disease, digestive ulcer patients are not recommended to drink coffee.

Drinking too much coffee, some people will face flushing, rapid heartbeat, the nervous system is constantly stimulated, some hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are easy to be induced. Xue suggested that the elderly and people with a history of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should be banned from drinking coffee.

But what if some people really love coffee and want to drink it?

Some young people are already in a sub-health state, then stay up late and work overtime, in order to refresh and drink too much coffee, itself is very sensitive to coffee, as long as drinking a cup of coffee will affect sleep, coupled with excessive fatigue, induced a variety of adverse reactions.

Because everyone's tolerance is different, doctors can not give a certain maximum amount, can only recommend drinking less, control drinking.

In addition, really because of the adverse reaction to drinking coffee, in addition to going to the hospital, you can also drink more boiled water.

Water dilutes caffeine in the body and helps it to be excreted through the kidneys. For people with a history of heart disease, it is more appropriate to drink tea of moderate concentration when they need to refresh themselves.

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