Face the wind

Tatum is in the fifth year of his career, although only 23 years old, but Tatum is already a two-time All-Star, 17 championship Green Kei boss, the young king, the first person to break the band and the video has not been deleted, Embiid's wild father - as the spokesman of these outstanding identities, he tirelessly on the court 21.9 times a day, shooting 8.8 shots, Beyond the three-point line is even more bleak, a career-high 8.5 shots only 31.1% of the return, worse than Wei Zhong - he has become the league's first number of iron strikes this season.

This must make you think of Kobe Bryant, Tatum is the most famous "Kobe disciple" of modern times, but you don't necessarily know how much Tatum loves Bryant.

When he was in first grade, he told his mother, "I want to be Kobe."

His mother, Cole Barnes, was also a volleyball player when she was younger and asked Tatum, "So you want to play basketball?"

"No," Tatum was adamant. "I want to be Kobe."

Cole Barnes said, "You shouldn't want to be Kobe, and no one should be someone else, nor can they be."

You can try to be better than Kobe."

Tatum stared at his mother for a moment in an alien way and said, "No, I want to be Kobe."

Touching little fan story of Poison only. We all love Kobe, we all love the spirit of '81, but we can't be too spiritual, and it's not a good sign to think Smart is Smash.

With a rainy night, poor couples in distress, leaders not playing well, and not very good records, Tatum succeeded in attracting the attention of critics, and ESPN wrote a long article, the most exciting part of which was a quote from an unnamed assistant coach in the Eastern Conference:

"I don't think he cares about winning. If you want to win, you win because of him, he doesn't want to win by scoring 15 points, he wants to score 39 points and win."

Brad Stevens, the team's president who was just promoted this summer, immediately slammed such comments in an interview: "Bullshit, this guy is absolutely afraid to say his name."

Because first of all, he has never worked with Tazi, and second, if he dares to reveal his identity, Tazi will definitely kill them in every game against their team in the future."

"I texted a colleague about it once and it was so stupid. Anyone who knows anything about this kid knows he likes to win. He'd soak his feet in an ice bucket after every loss and get depressed. That's the truth. Well, I'm glad he's on our team."

Well, regardless of the credibility of Shi's "if you can't solve the problem, solve the problem first" behavior, but we can first be sure of two things:

  1. Tatum has been in the ice bucket and frustrated a lot this season.

  2. Tatum's first four years as a coach have some responsibility for making him what he is today.

So who was his coach for the first four years?

Tatum himself scoffed at the sudden dagger, and he immediately gave an interview to The Athletes' Forum, in which he displayed an open-minded attitude toward the "selfish" label, saying, "I just laughed because I knew it was so fake." My coaches, my teammates, anybody who's been around me knows that selfishness is the last thing on my mind."

But there may be some disagreement about that response from his teammate Smart, who went crazy after the Green Bay lost to the Bulls by 14 points in Game 7 of the season. The team won just two of its first seven games, with Tatum averaging 25.7 points on 24.6 shots and 3.7 assists and 2.6 turnovers on 39.5 percent shooting. Before losing to the Bulls, the green Kay home and away two consecutive losses, Tatum two games combined 19 of 54, lost to the Bulls game, Tatum and shot 22 iron 14 times. Most importantly, they had a 14-point lead going into the final quarter against the Bulls.

After being turned around by 28 points in a single quarter by the Bulls to start the season 2-5, Smart was interviewed. Tatum and Jaylen weren't in front of microphones and cameras, and Smart took it all in.

No one knows why Green Kay arranged this, maybe they need to protect their maximum salary players, let a player who makes 16 million yuan a year to bear all this, it makes sense. But 16 million is supposed to be able to withstand 16 million, Smart can't stand it:

"I just want to play basketball. Everybody knew we were going to give the ball to Jason and Jaylen. The defensive focus of all teams is on them. All the pre-game scouting reports were to force them to pass. But they don't pass."

"They're still learning and proud that they're continuing to improve, but it's time for them to step up and not just think about doing it for themselves, but giving other people a better chance."

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