Blood vessels are blocked and there's no sign of chest tightness that could be a heart attack

"Good health is the capital of the revolution", but in the busy life, everyone is often busy with work, eager to sociate, but ignore the good health of this geomantic land. In fact, usually pay attention to early prevention, health is around us.

Blood vessel blocked or not? There's a sign

Clogged blood vessels are the direct cause of many heart and brain diseases, because the patency of blood vessels determines whether various parts of the body can get enough blood. Once the organ ischemia occurs due to blockage, it is bound to cause serious complications and even sudden death.

First, identify meaningful pain symptoms. We often say that "not general pain", if the following manifestations of pain, often suggest vascular obstruction.

(1) Sudden fatigue chest pain, relief after rest, with the characteristics of "dynamic pain static", or chest pain at night, often indicate that the blood vessels supplying the myocardium are narrow and blocked. Once the chest pain is frequently accompanied by unexplained fatigue, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, it is often the precursor of acute myocardial infarction. It is recommended to actively treat the chest pain before the complete blockage of the heart and blood vessels to prevent the occurrence of acute myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death.

(2) Limb pain accompanied by swelling, muscle tenderness of the affected side of the limb, may suggest limb vein obstruction, do not move at this time, to seek emergency medical attention to prevent pulmonary embolism caused by pulmonary artery obstruction. Pulmonary embolism is a disease with a very high mortality rate, which is more likely to be missed and misdiagnosed than acute myocardial infarction, and is also a common cause of sudden death during long-distance travel. Therefore, if the above symptoms occur, preventive measures should be taken as soon as possible to prevent serious consequences.

(3) Pain in lower limb activity, only walking hundreds of meters have to stop because of pain, medically called intermittent claudication. This manifestation indicates that the artery that innervates the lower limb is blocked, and early treatment is recommended to prevent limb amputation due to necrosis due to complete obstruction.

Second, beware of snoring at night. Many people snore at night, which can be accompanied by prolonged pauses in breathing, known medically as apnea syndrome. This disease can cause cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, reduce the effectiveness of treatment for hypertension, coronary heart disease, and diabetes, and increase the death rate. It is recommended that people who sleep snoring undergo physical examination and treat as soon as possible to exclude adverse factors of cardiovascular disease.

Again, watch out for limb edema. When blood vessels are not smooth, it can cause edema of the body. This type of edema usually varies depending on the patient's position, especially in areas of the body that are prone to droop, such as the legs. Generally speaking, edema caused by kidney disease is swelling of the lower leg, and edema caused by obstructed blood vessels, mostly from the ankle.

Finally, pay attention to fainting. Fainting can occur when the brain vessels are not adequately supplied with blood or temporarily blocked. Statistics show that about 60% of fainting is caused by blocked blood vessels. This kind of fainting is mostly accompanied by palpitations, which can also be used as one of the bases to judge whether fainting is related to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If a faint patient is accompanied by breathing difficulties or pale face, it may be suffering from myocardial ischemia or arrhythmia, be alert and go to the hospital in time.

Which chest tightness could be heart disease

Chest tightness is a non-specific symptom, characterized by a feeling of insufficient gas, breathing difficulty or like to grow air, can also be manifested as a sense of chest pressure, like to beat with the hand or press for a while. There are many causes of chest tightness, some are caused by heart, lung or other diseases, some are not pathological, just a subjective feeling of discomfort. Therefore, the treatment of chest tightness symptoms should be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.

Many people in a small area and closed doors and Windows of the room meeting, after a period of time, we feel chest tightness, is normal. This discomfort is just a reminder that the body is starved of oxygen and needs to open the window to ventilate or go out for a breath.

If a young and middle-aged woman does not have high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obesity or smoking, but often inexplicably appear chest tightness, shortness of breath, long breath, etc., as long as the situation outside the door will be reduced, most of the symptoms have no clinical significance.

Before menopause, estrogen in the body will play a certain protective role in the cardiovascular system, and the chance of coronary heart disease is much lower than that of men. Walking can relieve, but also indicates that chest tightness symptoms should not be caused by coronary heart disease. Such patients do not need to undergo various tests and special treatment, but should make their own adjustments, such as ensuring a regular life, adequate sleep, relaxing the mind, strengthen exercise, etc., which is very important to relax the mind, because excessive attention to these symptoms may further aggravate the discomfort.

If the symptoms are particularly serious, you can go to the hospital for depression and anxiety scale assessment to see if it is caused by psychological problems. Of course, there are also patients because of sudden chest tightness and even chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating, and a sense of dying, but the examination also ruled out heart problems. This condition is a common form of acute anxiety, called panic attacks, taking the appropriate heart drugs to treat, but should be treated under the guidance of a doctor with anti-anxiety drugs.

If you feel chest tightness at the same time, accompanied by cough, asthma, fever and other symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital respiratory department to check whether there is a problem with the respiratory system.

If middle-aged and elderly people, especially those with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes or long-term smoking have symptoms of chest tightness, and chest tightness often occurs after fatigue or emotional excitement, we must pay great attention to it, go to the hospital in time to check electrocardiogram and other items to determine whether chest tightness is caused by coronary heart disease and myocardial ischemia.

If a person has high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obesity or smoking and other risk factors for heart disease, once chest pain, chest tightness, shortness of breath, etc., should consult a doctor, if necessary, do some basic examinations, such as electrocardiogram, holter electrocardiogram, exercise electrocardiogram, cardiac ultrasound, etc., to understand the health of the cardiovascular system. If no obvious abnormality is found, further examination, such as coronary CT, coronary angiography or radionuclide myocardial imaging, is not necessary, and the above risk factors can be carefully controlled.

What kind of people should lose weight

  1. Body mass index (BMI). This is currently the medical community generally used to judge the size of the index. Bmi = weight (kg) divided by the square of height (m), such as a 1.6 m tall woman weighing 60 kg, BMI is:

60÷1.6÷1.6=23.4. The value ranges from 18.5 to 23.9, which is normal. If it is above 23.9, you need to lose weight; Less than 18.5 is considered wasting, and nutrition should be strengthened. Note that BMI does not reflect fat distribution. Some people have a normal body mass index, but a lot of abdominal fat accumulation, and the risk of chronic disease is high, so the body mass index should be combined with the waist circumference to determine whether to reduce fat.

  1. Ideal weight. The ideal weight is often referred to as the standard weight. There is no absolute weight, so we call it the ideal weight. Ideal weight (kg) = height (cm) -105, such as a height of 170 cm adult, the ideal weight is 65 kg. But this formula does not apply to children.

  2. Waist circumference. Waist circumference, which reflects both total fat and fat distribution, is a good index for assessing the risk of chronic disease. Adult men should have a waist circumference of less than 85 cm and women less than 80 cm. To measure your waist, stand with your feet 30cm apart so your weight is evenly distributed. The measurement site should be flat umbilical, with a soft ruler close to the skin, but not pressure.

  3. Waist-hip ratio. That is, the ratio of waist to hip circumference is less than 0.9 for men and 0.8 for women.

  4. Subcutaneous fat thickness. The thickness of subcutaneous fat in the abdominal wall should be less than 15 mm for men and not more than 20 mm for women. This usually requires a professional sebum thickness meter to measure.

Weight loss needs to be gradual, generally losing 0.5 kg per week is safer, but also easy to accept and stick to. If you lose weight too quickly, it can cause problems such as frailty, hair loss, depression, and arrhythmia.

In addition, because the fat decomposition is too fast, it will lead to more ketone bodies, which are metabolites of fat decomposition in the blood, causing acidosis and serious consequences. Therefore, weight loss should be carried out in a planned way. Weight control should become a life concept, adhere to the whole life. Moderate diet and exercise are the healthiest means to lose weight, if there is no special conditions or diseases, drugs, surgery and other methods are not recommended.

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