About the right and wrong of yogurt: often drink anti-depression drink more hurt memory

When it comes to healthy drinks, I believe many people will think of yogurt. Whether it is the elderly with indigestion, or the young men and women who pay attention to diet, or the children who are picky and greedy, they can not escape the sour and sweet taste of this bite. Yogurt occupies an important position in the beverage industry, but there are also a lot of rumors about yogurt. So how to drink yogurt is healthy, see the small series of those things about healthy yogurt, so that you clearly drink yogurt.

Want to drink yogurt to lose weight must abide by these two principles

If you want to control diet to lose weight, it is recommended to take 1500 kcal of energy a day, evenly distributed to three meals, a meal can eat 500 kcal.

Eating a pot of yogurt has an average of 200 kcal, but eating only one pot of yogurt for a meal is difficult to ensure complete nutrition. If you really want to eat yogurt to lose weight, you must grasp the following two principles:

First, choose only one of your three meals and replace it with yogurt. When losing weight, it is best not to eat too monotonous and lack of variety, food diversity is the premise. If you only eat yogurt for dinner. If this way of eating continues, it will cause nutritional imbalance. If you choose only one meal in three meals to eat yogurt, and then with a box of vegetable salad without salad dressing, drizzle yogurt, it will not increase the calories can also achieve weight loss.

Secondly, it is best to have three major productive nutrients: carbohydrates, fat, and protein. In the process of weight loss diet, eat every meal - carbohydrates (choose compound is better, such as whole wheat bread, brown rice), protein (such as eggs, fish, lean meat, low-fat dairy products, tofu, etc.), vegetables, in addition to the daily 2 portions of fruit distribution to a day of extra meals, so more balanced and complete, will not cause malnutrition.

Yogurt drink too much hurt memory

Many people believe that yogurt does not gain weight and is good for intestinal health, so they use it to lose weight. According to a new study by the University of New South Wales in Australia, for healthy people, too much probiotics in yogurt can damage memory.

The researchers fed one group of mice a healthy diet and another a high-sugar, high-fat diet, then supplemented them with the same dose of yogurt. The results showed that mice fed a high-sugar, high-fat diet supplemented with yogurt effectively changed the composition of their gut flora, improved brain function, and had better memory. But for mice on a healthy diet, the extra yogurt had no effect on the microbial environment in the digestive tract, and it actually impaired memory.

Regularly drinking yogurt can prevent depression

According to the British "Daily Mail" article, a Spanish research team found that people who eat full-fat yogurt every day have a lower risk of depression.

The researchers surveyed 14,539 subjects over a 10-year period. The results found that people who ate full-fat yogurt every day had a one-third lower risk of depression over the next 10 years, while low-fat yogurt had no such effect. Researchers believe that when negative emotions strike, the brain sends signals to the gut, which is why negative emotions can cause gastrointestinal upset. And gut health can also affect mood, with regular yoghurt consumption reducing activity in areas of the brain associated with mood and pain.

A cup of yogurt every day is good for the health of patients with dementia

Researchers studied 52 Alzheimer's patients between the ages of 60 and 95. For 12 weeks, half of the participants drank 200 ml of yoghurt daily with four probiotics added (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus fermentum and bifidobacterium), while the other half drank milk. Before and after the trial, the scientists took and tested blood samples from the participants and measured their cognitive abilities.

The results of the study showed that participants who consumed yogurt had a significant increase in cognitive levels (from 8.7 to 10.6), while the control group had no significant change (from 8.5 to 8.0). The researchers say the study is the first to show that probiotics can improve cognition in Alzheimer's patients.

Drink yogurt don't be confused, 4 things to help you clearly drink yogurt

  1. Fermented milk and yogurt are yogurts. They're all fermented dairy products, probably with different strains, different combinations, but they're all yogurts. It got its name because it sounds like yogurt, but yogurt doesn't necessarily mean it's better.

  2. Yogurt's viscosity is not a thickening agent. Yogurt is milk (usually cow's milk or goat's milk) through lactic acid bacteria fermentation, fermentation process milk will naturally become sticky, do not need thickening agents. Lactic acid fermentation will make milk sour, under acidic conditions, the hydrophobic groups between protein molecules will be connected to form a huge network, and the lactose, water, fat are net together, which also forms the consistency of yogurt. Some yogurts add light cream and whey protein powder, which will also make the yogurt texture thicker and taste more mellow. Most yogurts on the market will add some thickening agents, such as gelatin and xanthan gum, in order to improve the taste or ensure the quality uniformity of each fermentation batch. However, regular manufacturers are added within the range of types and doses allowed by national food safety regulations, you can rest assured to drink, but do not buy three no products.

  3. Drinking before and after meals varies from person to person. For example, people who want to reduce food intake can choose to drink before meals to provide a sense of fullness instead of food. People with weak digestive ability, it is best to drink after meals, so as not to increase the additional digestive burden of lactose remaining in yogurt. When taking antibiotics, it is recommended to drink yogurt for 2 hours apart, which will help alleviate the imbalance of intestinal flora caused by antibiotics.

  4. Don't microwave live yogurt. Refrigerated live bacteria yogurt is afraid of heat, and heating can easily lead to the inactivation of lactic acid bacteria. If you are afraid of cold, you can soak the whole bottle of yogurt in warm water to heat it, the water temperature should be controlled below 40 ° C, that is, the heat is best not to exceed body temperature. Yogurt should not be heated in the microwave oven, microwave radiation will kill the live bacteria in the yogurt, so as to achieve the "beneficial bowel" effect.

Related reading:

There are 5 secrets hidden in yogurt that 99% of people don't know

Fact 1: Yogurt products sold at room temperature do not contain live lactic acid bacteria at all. Yogurt products that come in square or hexagonal Tetra Pak packages and can be stored at room temperature for several months are actually "sterilized" yogurt.

Fact 2: Most frozen yogurts have live lactic acid bacteria, but they don't get into your gut. The vast majority of yogurt products contain live lactic acid bacteria, that is, "Lactobacillus Bulgaricus" (Bacillus L) and "Streptococcus thermophilus" (Bacillus S), which must be added when making yogurt.

Fact 3: Yogurt products are not labeled with calcium content, does not mean that there is no calcium or low calcium content. Some people only hear that there is calcium in milk, and see that there is no standard calcium content in yogurt, and they do not know how to choose yogurt products with high calcium content.

Fact # 4: The higher the carbohydrate content of yogurt, the more added sugar it contains. The raw material of yogurt is milk, and milk contains 4% to 5% natural lactose. Lactose sweetness is very low, and part of it becomes lactic acid during yogurt fermentation, so the yogurt after fermentation, if you do not add sugar to adjust, it will be sour and difficult to swallow.

Truth # 5: Yogurt doesn't have to taste like yogurt. There are a variety of new products on the market, the taste of sour and sweet, are similar to yogurt, such as pudding, brin, mousse, Korean yogurt, etc., people are dazzling. Consumers are advised to take a good look at the "product category" item on the package.

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