Feudal superstition, which has been suspected for 3,000 years, is now proved to be super science and technology, and it is also included in the national examination

In fact, there are still many things in our country that science can not explain, and there are many ancient things in our country that are now very superstitious. For example, when you watch an ancient costume TV series, you often see what the so-called fortune teller says, and you can see the luck of your life according to the lines of your palm.

Even more mysterious is that it can tell your future love luck and offspring reproduction, some people believe. And most people have an attitude that they would rather believe it than believe it. Even now, this kind of feudal superstition still exists. Otherwise, why would so many people choose to go to the temple to offer incense?

When they go to the temple to burn incense, aren't they asking Buddha for their wishes? Some people may say that you can rely on your own ability to achieve these wishes, why would you choose to pray to a false Buddha? But there are others who will tell you that the heart is the soul.

In fact, there are some things that science can not explain, our country has a history of 4,000 years, in this long history, no one knows what has happened in the country at that time, so these science can not explain more and more strengthen our curiosity.

The Classic of Mountains and Seas

The Book of Mountains and Seas must not need us to say more, because we usually read some fantasy novels, there is a mention of the book of Mountains and seas, which describes what are some rare gods and beasts. What Zhuque basalt we said before is changed by the mountains and seas, and there are many gods and beasts in the mountains and seas, which we have never realized.

Some people say that these divine beasts are real, otherwise how could the ancient people have imagined them out of thin air, while some people think that these are fictional, because these divine beasts cannot exist in real life. If you are interested, you will find that these gods look as if they are a combination of various animals.

The most popular legend in our country is about the dragon, and the dragon is a divine beast that came from the mountains and seas. And if you read the introduction of the dragon, you will find that it is more like a combination of several creatures. For example, his claws were like eagles, and he had scales on his body; Or maybe his horns are more like deer, so describe it, do you think that these are our Chinese fictional fantasy?

Second, the Zhouyi

We must all have heard a saying, that is, Tai Chi produces two instruments, two instruments produce four images, four images produce eight diagrams, and eight diagrams derive everything. This sentence is said by Zhou Yi. In fact, this book has a long history for us, and what is described in this book is what we cannot see in the normal world now.

In fact, some people say that classical Chinese is very difficult to understand, but compared with this Zhouyi, it is still very easy to understand. In fact, when it comes to Zhouyi, many people's first reaction should be the fortune-teller standing on the street. This is true, because when a man wants to create, he is a fortune-teller.

Or if he wanted to learn something about it, the first book he had to learn was Zhouyi. The book graphically covers five thousand years of Chinese literary creation. Some people say the book is ridiculous, because all it says is fiction. It's like foreseeing the future. It's all superstitious. Some people, however, feel that what this book describes should be true knowledge. However, Zhouyi should have a history of more than 3,000 years.

Three. Buried for three thousand years

Some people say that a book like Zhouyi should be read by everyone to feel the romance in it. However, some people say that this kind of book is not nutritious to read, and now children usually do not have time to go to school, how can they have time to read this kind of things. Because most people are materialistic.

Nowadays, many people don't even believe in fortune-telling, how can they read a book that is not real? Some people think that "Zhouyi" such a book is not on the table, generally read his people are some street vendors, they rely on other people's superstitions to live, rely on these illusions to tell fortunes, but if you understand this book is very wrong.

Because if you calm down and take a good look at this book, you will find that everything in the universe can be contained in a small book. Isn't that amazing? Some people feel that the reason they don't want to read this book is because it is too difficult to understand. If classical Chinese is headache enough, then this book is classical Chinese in classical Chinese.

The spirit of the book

But even if it is no matter how difficult to understand the book, it is still not lost, this is the charm of the Chinese language. This book is really too old for us now, because there is a lot of knowledge in it that we do not understand, and the language usage in it we have never seen.

But there are still people drilling inside, they want to solve the mystery of the book, want to understand why a book after 3,000 years but still not lost? The reason is quite simple. No matter what exists in this world, as long as he exists, he has a certain truth, just like the poem of the poet Li Bai, born my material will be useful.

Even such an obscure book, for some people, also seem so interesting. It's like when you see a fun book, or when you are obsessed with learning, you solve a math problem, which can make you feel extremely happy. And for those who are addicted to solving the puzzles in Zhouyi, this is their fun.

Perhaps these precious books were once buried, people think they are useless, it is better to read more books that can let them get fame, but now they think about living a good life, do not have to get fame. They can have more time to do what they want to do. You should know that not only our country likes these books, but also some foreign literati like these things.

V. Conclusion

In this world, there are four cradles of civilization, ancient Egypt and ancient India, and the first few cradles of civilization have disappeared. Only we China are left. China is the only country in the world that has been the birthplace of civilization for so many years without the destruction and change of the country. And why is that?

Because people in our country have been exploring the mysteries of the world. They never felt that our country was behind in their progress. They can respect and love foreign cultures, but they have never abandoned their own culture. With respect for the ancient culture, we will integrate the modern culture. For a country to truly stand on its feet, it needs not only military strength, but also cultural confidence in its own country.

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