Children's vision can be improved

In addition, there are some ways to help us protect our eyes in daily life. For example, do regular eye exercises, or follow the following points to exercise your eyes.

  1. Stare from afar

Find a meadow or green tree 10 meters away: green because of its short wavelength, the image is in front of the retina, which promotes the relaxation of the eye regulation and the relaxation of the ciliary muscle, reducing eye fatigue. Don't squint or blink too much. Focus and stare for 25 seconds without distractions. Identify the outline of a blade of grass or a leaf. Then put your left palm slightly more than 30 centimeters in front of your eyes and read the lines of your palm from beginning to end one by one for about 5 seconds. Look at the grass or leaves in the distance for 25 seconds, and then look at the palm print. Repeat 20 times for 10 minutes, do three times a day, and increase the number of training if your vision is badly reduced.

  1. Crystal exercise

Twinkling of an eye: hold your cheeks with both hands, let your eyes turn 10 times in the order of up, down, left and right, and then turn 10 times each counterclockwise and clockwise.

Find a scene 3 meters away (such as: calligraphy and painting on the wall, etc.), and at the same time raise your left hand slightly higher than your eyes (about 30 cm), see the palm of your hand, and then see the far object, move your eyes between the two as quickly as possible, and return 20 times.

  1. Twinkling of an eye method

Choose a quiet place, or sit or stand, relax the whole body, clear distractions, two eyes open, head and neck do not move, one eye ball. Start with your eyes staring directly down, slowly turn to the left, then turn to the gaze directly above, to the right, and finally back to the gaze directly below, so that you turn clockwise 9 times. Turn your eyes from staring down, to the right, to the top, to the left, and back down again, so that you turn six times counterclockwise. Do this four times in total. With each turn, the eye should reach its limit as far as possible. This kind of twinkling method can exercise the eye muscle, improve nutrition, make the eyes flexible and free, piercing.

What foods can children eat more effectively improve the level of vision?

Since eye movement exercises their muscles, do they need nutrients just as much as their bodies do to grow? Yes, the eyes also need enough nutrition -

Step 1: Protein

The sclera forms the solid shell of the eyeball. The lack of protein not only affects normal physical development, but also reduces the elasticity of the sclera, which is easy to elongate and form axial myopia. Meat, fish, eggs, milk and other animal foods are not only rich in protein, but also contain all essential amino acids.

  1. Calcium

The high content of calcium plays a major role in enhancing the toughness of the sclera. Animal bones such as cow bones and pig bones in food are rich in calcium, which is easily absorbed and utilized by the human body. Milk, bean products, shrimp, eggs, jujube and other calcium content is also more.

  1. Chromium and zinc

Myopic patients should eat more foods containing chromium and zinc. Such as soybeans, almonds, seaweed, kelp, mutton, yellow croaker, milk powder, tea, beef, brown rice, wheat bran, animal liver, grape juice, nuts and so on contain more zinc and chromium.

Step 4: Vitamins

Vitamin A, B1, B2, C and E should be properly supplemented. Foods rich in vitamin A and E are eggs, milk, meat, fish, liver; Carrots, spinach, pumpkin and other vegetables can also work. Foods containing vitamin C include tomatoes, lemons, and kiwi fruit.

  1. Liver and kidney nourishing food

Refined food and fast food lack of nutrients or nutrient destruction more. Should eat more goji berries, walnuts, peanuts, dates, longan, honey, shrimp, fish, meat, eggs and other liver and kidney food.

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