Scientific ear protection needs attention

Two rules to follow when wearing headphones

Nowadays, smart products are increasingly popular, affecting people's lives, many teenagers and children lack the awareness of ear protection, often wear headphones for a long time or turn the volume of mobile phones too high, which seriously affects hearing health.

Childhood is a critical period of auditory speech development, if the hearing suddenly decreases, it is often an emergency, the earlier the discovery, the greater the likelihood of recovery. There is a big difference between early treatment and late treatment. And more than a month, most of the drug treatment is ineffective. If you feel hearing loss, seek help from a professional doctor in time.

In a noisy environment for a long time, it is easy to cause great damage to hearing. Among young people with hearing loss, there are common habits, such as often listening to music with headphones, playing games, often going to bars, KTV, etc. Mobile phones, KTV, bungee dancing and other lifestyles are gradually becoming invisible "hearing killers", damaging hearing health.

Not only that, but the real problem with earplugs is their moist, sticky surface, which attracts bacteria and allows them to thrive. When wearing headphones, the air inside the ear is difficult to circulate, and the temperature inside the ear increases, this time the bacteria on the surface of the ear wax begins to actively multiply.

When the number of bacteria increases, exceeding the body's normal resistance, or new bacteria enter the ear, it will cause ear inflammation and infection. The earphone is plugged in the outer ear canal, and the energy of the noise is all concentrated in the ear, which greatly increases the danger. If the eardrum repeatedly receives noise stimulation for a long time, it can eventually lead to permanent deafness due to irreversible damage to the auditory cells.

In an environment with an external noise of more than 60 decibels, if you use headphones for a long time, your hearing will be damaged. Nowadays, young people wear headphones in a noisy environment, the general external environment noise is more than 60 decibels, often have to turn on the loud volume, when the sound reaches more than 90 decibels, and for an hour, it may cause permanent damage to hearing.

After colds, inflammation and other diseases lead to upper respiratory tract infections, germs may reach the middle ear through the eustachian tube and cause middle ear inflammation. Because children's middle ear immunity is not perfect, infants and young children have a higher chance of acute otitis media complications after colds.

At the same time, Dr. Qu introduced that children are prone to dirty water entering the ear canal when they take a bath, wash their hair and swim, leading to suppurative otitis media, otitis external, tympanitis, etc. If there is inflammation, they should go to the hospital for medical treatment as soon as possible.

Wearing headphones should abide by two principles, the time should not exceed 60 minutes, the volume size is also best not to exceed 50% of the volume control, young people should avoid long-term continuous noise stimulation. Such as prolonged exposure to excessive walkman music, computer host roar, telephone and mobile phone ringtones, etc., will also slowly cause hearing damage.

Some people only start with tinnitus or ear blockage, ear discomfort, in fact, hearing has been damaged. If you find that noise damages your hearing, you should get away from the noise as soon as possible. At the same time, ensure enough rest and sleep to avoid further hearing loss. If you need to work in a noisy environment, you must use protective earplugs to protect your hearing and check your hearing regularly.

Cut back on picking children's ears

In addition to congenital hearing impairment, there are many patients with hearing disability due to acquired ear habits, external damage, illness and other reasons. In daily life, many small details will affect the health of the ear, for example, some people love to pick their ears, but because of the use of unsterilized, unclean ear tools infected with disease.

Cerumen is a medical word. It's called earwax. Although earwax is not pleasant to say, in fact, it has a certain protective effect on the ear, such as preventing insects from flying into the ear canal skin.

In life, many parents help children pick their ears, and even children pick their ears, the strength is not mastered, it is easy to cause damage to the ear, children have delicate skin, easy to damage the outer ear canal skin, pick the ear if the earwax is harder or more, easy to scratch the skin, bacteria will take the opportunity to enter the wound to cause infection.

It is understood that the skin of the human external ear canal is very fragile and sensitive, and the perichoneum is very closely connected, the subcutaneous tissue is less, the blood circulation is poor, and improper force or the use of sharp objects to pick the ear will cause damage to the external ear canal, infection, resulting in inflammation and Ulster of the external ear canal. Some people pick their ears too hard and may even hurt the eardrum or auditory ossicles, resulting in perforation of the eardrum, affecting hearing, developing into otitis media, and even causing deafness in severe cases.

If you are not careful, there is also the danger of puncturing the eardrum. When picking the ears of children, if the children suddenly struggle or stimulate the cough reflex of the external ear canal, this accident is more inevitable.

It is generally not recommended that children often pick their ears, often pick their ears to stimulate chronic inflammation of the eardrum, the eardrum is red and thick, and the external ear canal will discharge a small amount of pus, and eventually there may be hearing impairment.

Earwax will generally be automatically discharged with the movement of the temporomandibular joint such as speaking, yawning, in general, most people do not need to specially pick earwax, if you need to clean the ear canal, the application of qualified cotton swab gently clean the external ear canal, and the frequency should not be too much, if there are infections, tinnitus, ear distress and other adverse reactions to the hospital in time for treatment.

On weekdays, preventing colds, avoiding lying down to feed or choke milk, avoiding random ear picking, bathing or swimming to prevent water choking and ear canal water, etc., can reduce the occurrence of otitis media.

In addition, strengthening physical exercise, reducing viral infections such as meningitis and mumps, preventing head trauma in children, reducing entertainment noise, and careful use of ototoxic drugs can also be effectively prevented.

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