A healthy mind is young

It's nice to be young, but young really has nothing to do with age.

Isn't it? It is a state of mind, an attitude towards life.

Looking at other people's lives, you may find that your own life is really not as satisfactory as you think, nor is it so harmonious in people's eyes.

Everything may be able to mask people, good and bad, really only you can understand, you can understand now, some people do not grow old before the heart is old.

Is their life bad? In fact, the minds of these people are so weak that they have set limits for themselves: when they are young, they think that they must be old at 45, and that the sun will set at 50.

How many people at 60 have the heart of a 40-year-old? It may be difficult to perform physical functions, but at least you can have the mentality of a 40-year-old when you are 60.

Remember what Job said: "What you are afraid of, these things will come to your head. It is our mind that is playing tricks, it accelerates our mental aging of ourselves."

It makes those who are afraid of old age and those who speculate about it grow old soon, while those who have an infinite yearning for life live happily in a young mind. So, we should prepare for happiness, to guess when happiness will come, so that you will get the young heart back, our mind function is huge, don't think that you have no happiness, not fit to do this and that. There is such a story, it tells people what happiness is.

Once there was a boy who lived in a big house at the foot of a mountain. He loved animals, fast cars and music, and lived a happy life, though he often offered rides.

One day the boy said to God, "I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I know what I want when I grow up." "What do you need?" asked God, "I want to live in a big house with a porch in front, two statues in front of the door, and a garden with a back door.

I want to marry a tall and beautiful woman, she has a gentle temperament, long black hair, blue eyes, can play the guitar, has a clear voice.
I want to have three strong boys that we can play football with.

When they grow up, one will be a scientist, one a senator, and the youngest will be the quarterback of the football team. I want to be an adventurer who sails, climbs mountains, and saves others on the way. I want to have a red Ferrari and never need a goodbye ride [Sounds like a wonderful dream.] God says, "May your dreams come true."

One day, while playing football, the boy hurt his knee. From then on, he could no longer climb mountains or trees, let alone sail.

So he studied business management and then medical equipment. He married a gentle and beautiful girl with long black hair, but she was not tall, her eyes were not blue, she could not play the guitar or even sing, but she did a good job of cooking and painting flowers and birds.

To take care of his business, he lived in a tall building in the center of the city, with a view of the blue sea and flashing lights. He doesn't have a statue in front of his house, but he does have a long-haired cat.

He has three beautiful daughters, and the youngest one in a wheelchair is the cutest. All three daughters loved their father very much. They could not play football with their father, but sometimes they would go to the park together to play Frisbee, and the younger daughter would sit under a nearby tree and play the guitar and sing beautiful songs. He lived a rich, comfortable life, but he didn't have a Ferrari.

Sometimes he has to pick up and deliver goods - even goods that are not his.

When he woke up one morning, he remembered a dream he had many years ago. [I am sad], he constantly complained to the people around him, complaining that his dream had not been realized. The more he talked, the more sad he became, and he almost thought that all this was God's joke on him. He would not listen to the persuasion of his wife and friends.

Finally, he fell ill with grief and was admitted to the hospital. One night, everyone went home, except for the nurse. He said to God, "Remember when I was a little boy and I told you about my dreams?

That's a lovely dream. God said, "Why won't you let me realize this dream?" He asked [you have achieved.] God said, "It's just that I wanted to surprise you by giving you something you didn't expect. I think you should notice what I gave you: a sweet and beautiful wife, a good job, a nice place to live, three lovely daughters - it's the perfect combination." [Yes,] he interrupted God, [but I thought you would give me what I really wished to have.] I thought you'd give me what I really wanted. ] "What do you wish for?" he asked. It never occurred to him that God also wishes for things. I want you to be happy with what I have given you. God said he spent the night in the dark thinking.

He decided to have a new dream. He wanted what he dreamed of to be exactly what he already had.

Later, he recovered from the hospital and lived happily on the 47th floor, enjoying the sweet voices of his children, the eyes of his wife and the exquisite paintings of flowers and birds. At night he gazed at the sea, contentedly at the burning lights of thousands of houses.

In fact, we all have happiness, we just don't notice it and seize it.

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