How to maintain a healthy attitude during the period of postgraduate entrance examination and get rid of collapsing emotions?

The attitude during the postgraduate entrance examination is wrong, and the feeling of emotional collapse is actually an experience that many postgraduate entrance examination people will have, including myself.

Afraid of not being able to take the test, or don't know if you can take the test, or how to do if you can't, these thoughts of gain and loss will always inadvertently fill your brain at a certain moment of your review, and then the pressure is multiplied, and there is no place to hide.

It is the kind of uncertainty about the results of the exam, the lack of confidence in the progress of the exam, the dissatisfaction with the review effect, the ignorance and confusion of the future, mixed together, from time to time attack you.

It is really too boring, repeating the same work every day, may not have a companion, and few people around you understand you, so that you sometimes really tired to want to cry, vent their unease and loneliness, unspeakable.

Don't ask me how I know, because I have also experienced this, and are preparing for the entrance examination of postgraduate students.

But I want to say, since I have chosen the road of postgraduate entrance examination, I have paid so much, and have gone so far, no matter how I want to stick to it, postgraduate entrance examination is not the voice of China, I do not believe in tears, there is no story, only persistence and effort.

Only by holding on can there be hope and a chance to see the dawn of victory. Think about your target college, think about you who might be standing on campus a year from now, no matter how tired, it's worth it!

Here are some ways to relieve stress and emotions that I hope will help you.


In the process of taking the postgraduate entrance examination, it is actually very easy to have a lot of pressure because of gains and losses, which leads to a lot of review. In fact, at this time, you can choose to run to adjust yourself.

To put it bluntly, it is engaged in mental labor, "How brain workers relieve fatigue" in the book, running is a rapid recovery of brain fatigue. Running sweat can also make the whole body comfortable, the brain instantly relaxed and no fatigue.

To concentrate on running, it is easy for the brain to get effective relief and recovery, and running is also a best way to eliminate worries and anxiety, when life is stressful and anxious things around, a good way is to run.

There is no stress that can't be solved with one lap, if not, then two laps.

Listening Canon

On my way to graduate school, the music that always inspired me and gave me strength was "Canon" (Pachbel version, Canon form in D major). Canon its charm is that when you are happy you can hear sadness, and when you are sinking you can also hear hope. It gave me a little motivation to keep going when I wanted to give up the pressure of taking the postgraduate entrance exam.
No matter what instrument interpretation Canon has a different taste, piano version, guitar version, violin version, will give you different feelings, just need to close your eyes when the pressure is high, quietly listen to Canon, may be able to relieve your pressure.

Maybe a hundred people listen to Canon have a hundred reasons to like her, and the same is that when listening to this song, they can get the resonance of the soul and get the comfort of the heart.

Life, even in its dull and monotonous repetition, the chords of life play the enchanting melody of eternity. It is precisely because of this that it is a song that is extremely suitable to accompany you during your boring postgraduate examination time.

Believe me, when you have mood swings due to various reasons, when you feel like breaking down, or even when you can't hold on, listen to Canon, it will bring you strength.

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