How to do after a cold

Correct care of the nasal cavity can shorten the course of the disease, some nasal congestion or because of benign tumors

Why are colds annoying? I believe many people will show the following answers: sneezing, stuffy nose, runny nose. In these three "most tormenting" symptoms, water nasal discharge is fine, if it becomes pus nasal discharge, it may last for ten days and a half months without attention, and turn into acute sinusitis.

The vast majority of colds are caused by viral infections, accompanied by nasal congestion, runny nose and other symptoms, generally about a week to heal.

However, colds caused by viruses can cause swelling of the mucous membranes in the nasal cavity, blocking the sinus opening, and the secretions in the sinus cavity can not flow out, becoming a hotbed for bacterial reproduction, which can cause sinus infection and is also the reason for acute sinusitis after a cold.

If you have a cold for more than two weeks, the nasal discharge is still running, you should go to the ENT as soon as possible.

It is worth being alert to the possibility of a benign tumor in the nose if there is long-term nasal congestion, runny nose or even nasal bleeding.

Three stages of nasal care after a cold

With a cold, many people do not know how to properly care for their nasal passages. In fact, as long as you take good care of the nasal cavity, you can not only suffer less, but also shorten the course of the disease and make the cold better quickly.

Colds caused by viruses are generally divided into three stages: cataract, infection and recovery. Each stage has some "nose guard".


Vasoconstrictor + normal saline, sea water nasal spray

The first stage is the catarrina stage. Due to nasal congestion, the symptoms are sneezing, nasal congestion, and runny nose.

At this point, you need your first "magic weapon" : a hand-held vasoconstrictor (ephedrine) nasal spray.

It can help improve your nasal ventilation and relieve congestion.

Nasal spray has a slender nozzle, can be extended into the nasal cavity, because the local drug directly to the affected area, the effect is good, the amount of medicine is small, the side effect is less.

It should be emphasized that long-term use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops can cause lesions of the nasal mucocilia, so it is necessary to follow the frequency and dosage of medical advice when using. Vasoconstrictor is generally recommended for no more than a week, and children only need two or three days.

After the nose becomes dry boogers, people feel the nasal cavity is itchy, can not help but want to pick the nose, but picking the nose will increase the damage to the nasal mucosa.

At this point, you need a second "magic weapon" to help: a hand-held hypertonic saline nasal spray, a saline nasal spray, and a nasal washer that uses both of these liquids.

Saline and seawater can easily soften the boogers and make them flow out as a liquid. Chen Hexin reminded that when using seawater nasal spray, pay attention to the concentration label.

Although the concentration of 2.3% hypertonic seawater nasal spray is good, it will cause certain irritation to the nasal mucosa, and long-term use can lead to the atrophy of the nasal mucosa.

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