The distance from the suit

Sometimes, in order to catch up with the trend and buy a less expensive plaid suit, you need a good base shirt, and the high-grade feeling is supported by it.

T-shirts look ugly if they're too tight, but a tight base looks good, so it's still better than a T-shirt when you're looking for an inside that fits your body.

With a hoodie? Who says suits are old?

Hoodie has obviously become the same as the above two items, become a necessary wardrobe "basic", with hoodie to do the inside match, win in the style contrast is more strong, but also younger.

The fabric of the hoodie is naturally bloated, so try not to choose Oversize styles when wearing a suit, and try not to wear wide-leg jeans.

A hoodie is more suitable for a suit than a round neckline, and an upturned hat can make a flat suit neckline not monotonous.

Pointy heels for the best proportions.

What's longer than pointy heels? It also makes the outfit look more formal, and can be worn to work or whatever.

Pointed shoes are good because the ankle position is longer and slimmer, so be sure to choose nine-point jeans, otherwise pointy shoes will not save you.

Short heels, height lost points in style to win back.

It is more free and relaxed than pointed heels, and it is in line with the "essence" of wearing a suit with jeans.

Seriously, we recommend that you wear short heels with this outfit, although they are not as long as pointy heels, but they obviously have more attitude.

A special design in the heel or heel position can be added to the cake, and there are some small luxurious embellishments to add texture to the whole body.

Sneakers, not just comfortable.

Small white shoes have the ability to weaken all boring and stereotyped.

How important are shoes? It can change the "expression" of the whole outfit, such as wearing a pair of skateboard shoes, and even the usually "straight face" suit jacket has become street.

Flats. Sometimes elegance means a light step.

A Parisian woman's shoe cabinet can be without high heels, but never without flats. Wear it, you don't have to frown in order to squeeze the feet of high heels, but walk lightly, this spontaneous itself is a kind of elegance that can not be put on.

Unisex loafers also count, but since covering the foot in large areas can make your legs look short, it's best to pair them with wide-leg pants that expose your ankles.

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