Chestnuts are good to eat in autumn

"Frost cooked persimmon, pack can not be late", late autumn has arrived, chestnut harvest. Chestnuts, commonly known as chestnuts, are the fruit of the season, which is not only delicious nuts, but also has high medicinal value.

Fruit leaves shell flowers are medicine

Chestnut is a treasure, with multiple medicinal effects. Chinese medicine believes that chestnut kernel taste salty warm, is a good kidney, medicine king Sun Simiao praised its "qi, thick stomach, kidney qi, people hunger."

Mature and full chestnut solid taste thick, is a tonic product, not full chestnut kernel is also a Chinese medicine, called chestnut wedge. "This classic Fengyuan chestnut" records: "chestnut wedge a ball three, flat, heal the bone wind pain, but also can break the cold."

Chestnut has two layers of shell, the outermost shell is the prickly shell, "Get the herb chestnut" gave it an image of the name "blanket", also called "chestnut outside the prickly bag".

Prickly shell is not beautiful, but its boiling juice washed outside, can treat fire erysipas, prickly shell of prickly ash blowing nose, can treat stroke silent.

The black shell of the inner layer of chestnut, "with herbal medicine" said that with its boiling juice to drink, stop nausea and thirst, and stop diarrhea. In addition, chestnut leaf cure throat furuncle fire poison, known as "decoction, miraculous effect."

The final coat of the chestnut, which has a thin brown skin inside, is burnt and blown into it to cure sticking bones in the throat. Spring flower autumn fruit, chestnut flower as the predecessor of chestnut, also has medicinal effects.

Chestnut flower taste bitter, astringent, mild, with spleen, diarrhea, swelling, heat and other multiple effects, can stop the long red and white bands, rest dysentery, blood under the large intestine.

The cuisine is excellent

As early as Yin and Shang Dynasties, chestnuts have appeared in people's lives. In addition to being a food for hunger, they also carry beautiful connotations.

"The Book of Rites" says: "son matters parents, wife matters aunt, jujube chestnut Yi honey to sweet."

As a nut snack, chestnut products such as stir-fried chestnut in sugar are popular. Chestnuts can also be made into pasta snacks, such as chestnut crisp, chestnut wowtou, chestnut rice, etc.

Chestnut is known as the fruit of the kidney, autumn and winter food kidney benefit essence, cooking with yellow essence, yam, mutton, ribs, chicken, such as chestnut stew chicken, chestnut ribs and so on.

The following recommend a yellow essence chestnut braised meat, simple and easy to prepare.

Take 15g yellow essence, 150g chestnuts, 500g pork belly, five spice powder, soy sauce, salt, rock sugar, cooking wine, ginger slices. Soak the yellow essence in warm water in advance until soft, cut the pork belly into 4cm cubes, blanch.

Put the pork belly, ginger slices and various seasonings into the casserole, add appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil, simmer for about 40 minutes, add the yellow essence and chestnuts, continue to simmer for 30 minutes. This vegetable is fat but not greasy, salty and delicious, with the effect of invigorating qi and nourishing Yin, invigorating spleen and moistening lung.

There are ways to keep in mind

The use of chestnut also has a university question, chestnut starch content is high, eat more difficult to digest or easy to flatulence, spleen and stomach weakness, indigestion and constipation people should eat less.

Yuan Dynasty famous doctor Zhu Zhenheng said: "But chestnut big fill, persimmon big astringent, both difficult, also should be less with." Therefore, although chestnut taste beautiful but not gluttony. Eating chestnuts should be fine chewing Xu pharynx, the ancients for chestnuts eating has a deep attention.

"Drink meal is about to take chestnut" records: "Every day hollow fine chewing three or five, slowly swallow it." In addition, the sugar content of chestnuts is high, and diabetic patients should be careful to eat them.

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