Eating lotus root in summer is the most nourishing

Lotus root is the underground stem of lotus hypertrophy, alias Rong Yu Festival, jade Linglong, jade bamboo shoots, jade brachiosaurus and so on.

Lotus root into the heart, spleen, lung meridian, produce cold and sweet lotus root, has the effect of eliminating stasis and clearing heat, eliminating boredom and thirst, stopping bleeding and strengthening stomach.

The efficacy of lotus root has also been noted by doctors in the past dynasties, such as "Herbal relics" cloud its "digestion to stop diarrhea, eliminating boredom, eliminating alcohol and poison." "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica" cloud: "Take more moisten intestines and lungs, health fluid."

Lotus root is produced all year round, crisp fresh lotus root can be eaten as fruit more in summer, this season of lotus root white, sufficient water, taste sweet, taste like crisp pear.

"Materia Medica" said: "Lotus root, cool blood scattered blood, the medicine of clearing heat also. Their masters are all in the heart, spleen and blood."

After cutting it into thin slices, blanch it and mix it with sweet and sour, it is an excellent summer-heat clearing summer flavor side dish; Stir-fried with fresh and tender vegetables, it is a refreshing next meal.

As the lotus root grows longer and longer in water, its water content decreases, and the accumulated starch gradually increases, and the appearance becomes darker.

At this time, the taste of lotus root will become soft and noodles, no longer suitable for raw food or stir-fry, but it can be made into glutinous rice lotus root or used in stew.

After making mature lotus root, the effect is very different from before. "Herbal classics of thinning" contains: "lotus root, cooked Gan warm, can strengthen spleen appetizer, blood tonifying heart, so the Lord fill the five viscera, solid jiao, digestion, diarrhea, muscle, and long service make people happy to stop anger also."

Modern pharmacological studies have also shown that lotus root is a treasure throughout the body.

It is a high sugar, low fat food, but also contains a variety of amino acids, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and so on.

Lotus root edible method is rich, can be raw food, can be cooked, can also be processed into the lotus root powder, taste sweet and flat, can nourish blood to stop bleeding, nourishing Yin to make up the viscera, regulate the appetizer, spleen to prevent diarrhea, for aging, weak, long illness of the ideal nourishing food. Here we introduce three lotus root medicinal diet as follows.

1, Tuckahoe lotus root soup

Ingredients: 500g lotus root, 500g Tuckahoe, 500g pink arrowroot, 100g red bean, 50g mulberry bark.

Method: Peel and cut the pachycoia, peel and cut the powder ivy, put the material into the pot, boil the water and turn to slow fire for 3 hours.

Function: It has the function of clearing heat poison, eliminating bone fire and removing dampness.

2, pork spinal cord pot lotus root

Materials: 500g pig spinal cord (with backbone), 250g lotus root.

Practice: Put the two flavors in the pot and boil for 2 hours on low heat.

Function: Tonifying blood and kidney, suitable for spermatogenesis, pale face, weakness of limbs, waist and knee and other symptoms.

  1. Autumn pear lotus root juice

Ingredients: 2 autumn pears, 100g lotus root.

Methods: Peel and core the autumn pear, go to the section of the lotus root, pound the juice to drink.

Function: clearing heat and moistening lung, suitable for lung heat type cough, as well as phlegm yellow, dry throat and dry tongue.

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