Normal vision does not necessarily mean healthy eyes

The common type of amblyopia is ametropic amblyopia, which is mainly seen in medium-high farsightedness and astigmatism. Anisometropic amblyopia, that is, the two eyes have a large difference in the number of dioptric, the more obvious refractive error of the eye will be amblyopia; There are strabismatic amblyopia, seen in the case of monocular strabismus, strabismatic eyes often also amblyopia; In addition, some diseases that block outside light into the eye, such as congenital cataracts, corneal leukoplakia, etc., can also cause amblyopia due to their impact on visual development.

If amblyopia can be found early, early diagnosis, early removal of the cause, the vast majority of it can be cured.

There are also some children who have no problem with vision, just because the reading and writing posture is not correct, and the books are always very close.

If parents find that their children have abnormal eye habits, they should go to a professional medical institution for a detailed eye examination to determine whether the child has visual abnormalities, myopia, amblyopia or other eye diseases.

Oblique amblyopia in children can be prevented

Many parents know that myopia can be prevented, but for oblique amblyopia, the focus is on how to treat it.

In fact, the vast majority of oblique amblyopia can be prevented, especially amblyopia, about 90% of amblyopia, if early detection of relevant risk factors, take intervention measures, can be prevented.

For example, high refractive errors, congenital cataracts, etc., if it can be found in infancy, take appropriate measures, the child is likely not to occur amblyopia.

How to prevent amblyopia?

The most important thing is an early comprehensive visual development examination.

Visual development examination is not only to check vision, but also to check whether the development of visual function is normal, early comprehensive visual development examination can help prevent the occurrence of eye diseases.

Like myopia prevention and control, the prevention of oblique amblyopia should also be early and small, or even earlier, because some congenital risk factors for oblique amblyopia already exist in infancy.

A comprehensive visual development examination should be carried out at the age of 6 months to exclude relevant risk factors, because visual development is a gradual process, and abnormal development in the front will affect the development process in the back.

Ophthalmology has many devices to examine infants and young children, do not wait until the child can cooperate or after school to check.

Pay attention to controlling how and how long your child uses electronic devices during the summer vacation

The summer holiday is coming, Pan Meihua reminds that the holiday is a period of high myopia. Parents should let their children develop good eye habits during the holidays, arrange homework time reasonably, do not be overly obsessed with electronic products, increase outdoor activities, strengthen nutrition, and maintain adequate sleep.

Parents should also create a good visual environment for their children, pay attention to indoor lighting, reduce the occurrence of myopia or delay its progress.

It is a common phenomenon that children use electronic products too much, and it is most important to control the way and length of children's use of electronic products during the summer vacation.

How to guide children to use electronic products correctly under the harmonious parent-child relationship, without causing children to have reverse psychology?

Parents can make an agreement with their children in a relaxed atmosphere and work out a plan that is acceptable to each other, such as agreeing to use electronic products only once a day, for 20 minutes at a time, and to look far away for half a minute after 20 minutes.

It is important to let the child have the right to choose, not to give the child orders, to let the child feel that there is a sense of respect, so that the program is easy to continue.

Parents can also agree with their children that if they do the promised things, they will give a reward, which can also help children exercise self-discipline and self-control.

The principle of using electronic products is long distance, short time, intermittent use of the eye, grasp this principle, electronic products will no longer be a flood beast.

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