Hand in hand to protect children's eyesight

Data show that the high rate of myopia among adolescents has become a serious public health problem.

Many parents do not pay enough attention to the prevention and control of myopia, think that children grow up to do myopia surgery can be solved, and even do not wear glasses as a means to delay the progress of myopia, in fact, these errors will only make children more injured.

Therefore, once myopia occurs in teenagers, the primary task is to delay the growth of myopia degrees and avoid the development of high myopia.

Experts pointed out that outdoor activities and scientific nutrition are the most effective ways to maintain eye health, and nine things should be done to prevent and control myopia.

In addition, for students wearing glasses, regular review according to actual needs, it is best to optometry once every half a year or so, and adjust the degree in time according to the situation.

■ Smell and sing

Scientific research shows that the environmental factors affecting myopia include age, close eye time and intensity, race, light, diet, lifestyle and many other aspects, and the most clear role in preventing myopia is outdoor sunlight.

Recently, the prevalence of myopia has been increasing year by year, which has become a serious public health problem, and even poses a potential threat to national security due to the reduction of qualified soldiers to a certain extent.

It is not advisable to rely on surgery, do not wear glasses, etc

The harm of youth myopia, myopia on children's learning, life, sports and so on will bring many adverse effects, has become an important factor threatening the health of young people.

If the development of high myopia or even pathological myopia (high myopia combined with fundus degenerative changes, eventually irreversible visual impairment or even blindness), the consequences are more serious.

Experts also analyzed the reasons for the high incidence of myopia, an epidemic of eye disease, and pointed out that people's lifestyle has undergone great changes today: physical activity becomes less physical activity, long-distance eye use becomes close eye use, and the body has changed accordingly, myopia is one of them.

In most cases of simple myopia, environmental factors play an important role. With the popularity of tablet computers, mobile phones and other electronic products, people spend more and more time looking at the screen every day, and the prevalence of myopia is also getting younger and younger.

And many parents do not pay enough attention to the prevention and control of myopia, think that the child myopia does not matter, grow up to do myopia surgery to solve.

Experts pointed out that this is now a lot of parents have misunderstanding. Myopia surgery is a surgical method to improve vision, that is, patients can achieve better vision without wearing glasses or contact lenses, but myopia surgery does not change the patient's myopia state (eye axis lengthening).

For patients with high myopia, especially pathological myopia, although surgery can improve vision at a young age, it cannot change or prevent degenerative changes in the fundus that threaten vision with age.

In other words, the myopia surgery itself only changes the eyeball diopter, and can not change the potential risk of retinopathy due to myopia.

Therefore, once myopia occurs in teenagers, the primary task is to delay the growth of myopia degrees and avoid becoming highly myopia.

For children myopia should not wear glasses, many parents also have doubts, afraid that once put on it can not be taken off.

Because blurred vision itself will speed up the progression of myopia, so if the adolescent myopia patients do not wear glasses, the rate of increase is not slower than wearing glasses.

Some children have 600 degrees of myopia, and parents do not let their children wear glasses, fantasizing that the degree can slowly reverse, or that the degree will not deepen without wearing glasses.

In fact, this approach can lead to more serious consequences. First of all, poor vision of life, can not see the blackboard, affect academic performance, but also easy to hit things; Secondly, the rate of myopia deepening is not slower than that of children wearing glasses correction, and even faster; The third is that the adjustment function of the lens is lost, once the glasses are corrected to see far and clear, it may be unclear to see close, commonly known as "small eyes".

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