Exercise can improve eyesight

Green food.

Spinach, rape and other dark green leafy vegetables, they contain a lot of lutein, carotene and vitamin C.

Orange food.

Yellow corn, millet, rhubarb rice and other yellow grains, rich in lutein, zeaxanthin and carotene. Mango, papaya, citrus, pumpkin and other orange fruits and vegetables, rich in carotene and vitamin C.

Egg yolk.

It is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as vitamin B2 and vitamin A, which are very beneficial for protecting the eyes.

Goji berries.

It is a natural food extremely rich in zeaxanthin food, but also rich in lutein and carotene.

You can put some goji berries in porridge and rice.

Fuchsia food.

Purple rice, black rice, red rice, red beans, black beans and other purple coarse grain beans, not only rich in anthocyanins, but also contain vitamin E, B vitamins.

Purple cabbage, red amaranth, purple cabbage moss, blueberry, black currant, purple cherry, mulberry and other red purple fruits and vegetables, containing anthocyanins and vitamin C.

Do 9 things well

Protect children from the threat of myopia

Myopia prevention and control is a long-term project that requires joint efforts of many parties.

For children and adolescents, it is necessary to develop a healthy lifestyle, participate in outdoor activities, develop correct reading and writing posture and learning habits, rationally arrange work and rest, combine work and rest, with special emphasis on reducing continuous close eye time.

Experts put forward the following 9 specific measures to prevent and control myopia.

① Nutrition should be balanced.

To do not partial food is not picky, balanced diet.

Eat fish, fresh fruits, green vegetables and other foods that are good for vision health.

In terms of diet, we should take in more high-protein diet, calcium-rich foods, and choose low-sugar or sugar-free foods.

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