Protect your eyes in some ways

② Outdoor activities.

Outdoor exercise under the sun for no less than 14 hours a week can effectively reduce the incidence of myopia.

Children and adolescents should ensure that they have at least one hour of moderate to high intensity exercise every day, and mainly aerobic exercise, in addition to including at least three times a week to strengthen bones and muscles.

③ Neck exercise.

Strengthening neck exercises can promote blood circulation and ensure adequate blood supply to the brain.

  1. Reduce sitting.

Reduce long periods of sitting and video time, and often take breaks to move your limbs and stretch your shoulder and neck muscles.

⑤ Ensure correct posture.

Head straight, no hunched back, no crossed legs.

Distance your eyes from a book or screen.

The correct reading and writing posture is: keep sitting upright, hold the tip of the pen one inch away from the tip of the pen, the chest from the table one punch, the book from the eyes one foot.

⑥ Pay attention to the read and write environment.

The environment conducive to reading and writing should be well-lit and comfortable.

Too much or too little light can damage your eyes. Soft, natural light is the best protection for your eyes.

⑦ Matching table and chair.

Choose a learning table and chair that matches the child's height to avoid passively developing bad writing habits.

⑧ Eye time.

Close eye time should not exceed 45 minutes, every 40 to 45 minutes to rest for 10 minutes, rest should go outdoors, overlook, do eye exercises.

⑨ Stay away from electronics.

Strictly control the use of mobile phones, computers and other electronic products, watching TV at a distance of more than 3 meters.

Experts also remind that if the child has myopia, should go to a regular medical institution mydriasis optometry, distinguish true myopia (eye axis becomes longer) and false myopia.

False myopia is mostly caused by excessive eye use and can be corrected by changing lifestyle and relieving fatigue. True myopia to a certain extent will affect learning, life, should be worn as soon as possible the appropriate degree of glasses to correct vision.

For students wearing glasses, regular review according to the actual needs, it is best to optometry once every six months, adjust the degree in time according to the situation, and decide whether to wear glasses or replace glasses.

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