Virus tips to remember: the choice of medical masks can prevent the spread of droplets, so we call on everyone to wear masks when going out.

Virus tips to remember: the way of transmission of pneumonia infected by the new coronavirus: direct transmission, aerosol transmission, contact transmission. Among them, direct transmission is that the patient sneezes,

coughs, talking droplets are directly inhaled by close contacts, leading to infection; Aerosol transmission is when droplets mix in the air and form aerosols, which can cause infection when inhaled.

Contact transmission is when droplets deposit on the surface of an object, and then contact the mucous membranes such as the mouth, nose, and eyes after touching contaminated hands, resulting in infection.

Virus tips to remember: the choice of medical masks can prevent the spread of droplets, so we call on everyone to wear masks when going out.

Virus tips to remember: when coughing and sneezing should use tissues or elbows to cover the mouth and nose, do not cover with hands, to avoid the virus remaining on the hands, resulting in the spread of the virus to other places.

Tips on Improving immunity It is important to remember that there is no specific cure for pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus, and daily protection, early detection, early isolation, and improving immunity are all effective means of prevention and control.

Remember: Go to the elevator, canteen and office to wear a mask, touch the elevator button, door handle and other places must be clean hands, conditions to carry out frequent disinfection work.

Tips on epidemic prevention should be remembered: Who cautions - Washing hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer, covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or bent elbow when coughing and sneezing,

avoiding close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms, thoroughly cooking meat and eggs, and avoiding unprotected contact with wild or farmed animals are all effective ways to reduce your risk of contracting coronavirus.

Defeating epidemics with the power of science -- on resolutely winning the battle against epidemic prevention and control

Science is the most powerful weapon against epidemics. The recent meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee made specific arrangements in this regard, pointing out the direction of efforts to better use the power of science to win the war of epidemic prevention and control.

Science and technology are the driving force of human civilization and progress. In history, mankind could not overcome major disasters and epidemics without scientific development and technological progress,

and science has always been a powerful weapon in dealing with epidemics. Since the emergence of the novel coronavirus outbreak, a series of positive developments, from the successful development of test kits,

rapid isolation of virus strains to the continuous optimization of clinical treatment plans, cannot be separated from the hard work of scientific research workers in China.

At this critical moment when epidemic prevention and control is at its most intense, it is all the more necessary to stimulate and make good use of the power of science to provide strong support for the fight against the epidemic.

To defeat epidemics with the power of science, we must intensify our efforts in scientific research. Only when you know yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles.

To contain the spread of the epidemic, efforts should be made to grasp the mechanism and law of virus transmission. It is necessary to scientifically demonstrate the source of the virus, identify the source of infection and the way of transmission as soon as possible,

closely track the mutation of the virus, and promptly study prevention and control strategies and measures. It is necessary to form joint efforts to overcome difficulties, mobilize the enthusiasm of universities,

research institutes and enterprises, organize and mobilize scientific researchers across the country to participate in scientific research on epidemic prevention and control, promote the open sharing of relevant data and case data, accelerate research on virus tracing,

transmission and transmission mechanism, and improve prevention and control strategies and measures in a timely manner. We should strengthen research and development of effective drugs and vaccines, and focus on combining scientific research with clinical practice and prevention and control.

The epidemic is urgent, and time is of the essence. Only by going all out to carry out scientific research in a state of fighting against the clock, storming the city and pulling out the fortress, can we achieve breakthroughs as soon as possible and provide more guarantees for the life safety and health of the people.

To defeat epidemics with scientific strength, we must adhere to scientific prevention and control. The more severe and complex the epidemic situation, the more necessary it is to carry forward the scientific and rational spirit,

adopt scientific and effective methods, and improve the scientific level of prevention and control work. It is necessary to implement policies in different categories, adapt to local conditions, and take appropriate measures in light of the different conditions of various localities and departments.

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