
Cover mouth and nose with elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing, pay attention to reasonable rest and proper exercise. Standardize vaccination and take good health protection

comprehensively evaluate the accessibility, effectiveness, applicability and sustainability of intervention actions from the individual level and organizational level, and systematically evaluate the implementation effectiveness of comprehensive public health intervention for children and adolescents with myopia.
May is the turn of spring and summer.

With the rise of temperature and the increase of rain, the growth and reproduction of various pathogens are increasingly active, and the activities of mosquitoes and other vectors are frequent.

It is also the peak season of travel before and after the May Day holiday, and the flow of people, domestic travel and outbound travel have increased significantly. Recently, the Department of Disease control and prevention issued a notice that in May, when spring and summer are alternating, some mosquito-borne infectious diseases and intestinal infectious diseases have entered the high incidence season.

According to the health tips issued by the disease control departments in many places, the respiratory diseases that need to be focused on prevention in May are influenza, new coronavirus, whooping cough and so on. According to disease control experts,

respiratory diseases are mostly caused by viruses or bacteria, such as influenza virus, new coronavirus, and Bordetella pertussis. The main route of transmission is through droplets or airborne transmission, and the population is generally susceptible, especially children, the elderly and people with underlying diseases.

According to the epidemiological characteristics of such multiple respiratory diseases, the disease control department recommends that the public wear masks regularly. Wearing a mask is an important measure to prevent respiratory infectious diseases,

which can effectively reduce the spread of pathogens. Parents with symptoms of respiratory infection such as cough should wear masks when in close contact with infants and young children to reduce the risk of infection.

In addition, the public should maintain good hygiene habits, wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, and avoid public places with dense crowds and poor air circulation. Keep indoor air circulation and open Windows regularly for ventilation.

Cover mouth and nose with elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing, pay attention to reasonable rest and proper exercise. Standardize vaccination and take good health protection.

Such as fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue and other cold and flu symptoms, can be relieved by timely drug treatment, with Lianhua Qingwen as the representative of the Chinese patent medicine, can relieve fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue, muscle pain and other external fever symptoms.

In addition to respiratory infectious diseases, hand, foot and mouth disease is also an infectious disease that is reminded of the focus of disease control in May, hand, foot and mouth disease is an acute infectious disease caused by enterovirus infection,

mainly in infants and young children, the main symptoms are fever and the main parts of the hand, foot, mouth, buttocks and other spots and papules or herpes, April to July for the high incidence of hand, foot and mouth disease season.

HFMD clusters occur easily in places where people gather, such as schools and kindergartens. The source of infection is mainly patients and recessive infected persons, mainly infants and children under 5 years old are prone to disease.

The disease is mainly transmitted through the respiratory tract (droplets, coughing, sneezing, etc.) and close contact, and the typical symptoms are fever, accompanied by rash on the hands, feet, mouth, and buttocks.

Disease control experts suggest that to prevent hand, foot and mouth disease should pay attention to personal hygiene, develop good hygiene habits, after eating, after going out, to wash hands with soapy water or hand sanitizer.

Avoid drinking raw water and eating raw and cold food. It is recommended to eat foods that are fully processed and cooked. Children are encouraged to complete their vaccination before 12 months of age.

Summer is coming, all kinds of insect-borne infectious diseases will still be high incidence, dengue fever is dengue virus transmitted by mosquitoes (mainly Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti, commonly known as "flower mosquito") caused by acute insect-borne infectious diseases,

has been listed by the World Health Organization as one of the most serious vector-borne diseases in the world, in China belongs to the legal class B infectious diseases. The incubation period after infection in humans is 3-15 days,

and the main symptoms are acute high fever, headache and joint pain, rash, and even bleeding. Severe dengue can lead to complications such as bleeding and organ failure. The key to preventing the spread of dengue is the elimination of mosquito breeding grounds, the use of mosquito nets and anti-mosquito spray.

In addition, fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome is mainly transmitted through tick bites and is commonly known as "tickosis". People are generally susceptible to it, mostly in spring and summer. The main symptoms are fever,

fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and so on. Disease control experts recommend that after the end of field activities, check the body in time, especially the scalp, waist, armpit, groin and ankle below and other parts.

If you take your pet on a field trip, check the pet's body surface carefully for ticks when you leave. Dry clothes, bedding, etc., in the field, and check the surface for ticks when you take them back. If you find a tick bite, do not forcibly remove it by hand. It is recommended to go to a nearby hospital for treatment in time.

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