What is the number one killer of chest pain

Chest pain often troubles us from childhood to old, almost everyone has had the experience of chest pain, so what is "chest" "pain"?

The chest means that the upper boundary of the chest is the lower boundary of the neck, the lower boundary is the lower mouth of the bone thorax, and the outside is the anterior and posterior edge of the deltoid muscle, which is the second largest body cavity of the human body. Chest pain can be caused by lesions in any part of the chest, from skin, bones, and muscles to organs within the chest such as pleura, lungs, pericardium, heart, trachea, esophagus, and thoracic vertebrae.

Not only that, chest pain can also occur outside the chest, such as cervical spine, stomach, and biliary tract lesions. The nature of chest pain can be divided into crushing pain, acupuncture pain, dull pain, tearing pain, colic, burning pain, severe knife cutting pain. Chest pain can be related to breathing, fatigue, activity and other factors, and can be persistent pain or paroxysmal pain.

Chest pain of different nature generally corresponds to different symptoms. The manifestations of chest pain are varied and confusing, and some diseases that cause chest pain are very harmful. Many patients lack of awareness of chest pain, paralysis and careless illness, or their own medicine, often delay the time for diagnosis and treatment.

Many people with chest pain accompanied by dizziness and limb numbness are mistaken for cervical spondylosis, some people with chest pain accompanied by jaw pain are mistaken for dental disease, some diabetes patients or elderly patients have more hidden symptoms, and even do not have chest pain or just shortness of breath when serious heart injury, and some diseases are clearly not heart diseases but are manifested as chest pain. Examples include cardiac neurosis, reflux esophagitis, hiatal hernia and shingles.

The following diseases chest pain is a very dangerous early warning signal, not timely diagnosis and treatment will be life-threatening.

Number one killer - angina pectoris, myocardial infarction

Severe narrowing or thrombosis of the coronary arteries of the heart, resulting in myocardial ischemia and hypoxia or even myocardial necrosis, often lead to severe chest pain symptoms.

Angina chest pain has the following characteristics:

1, often induced by exertion, fatigue, satiety, cold, emotional excitement, etc.;

  1. The pain site is above the sternum and in the middle part, and a few are in the anterior cardial area or under the xiphoid process;

  2. Radiates to the left chest, left back, left shoulder, left upper arm and the inner front of the ring finger and little finger;

4, can also radiate to the neck, pharynx, jaw, mastoid or teeth;

5, the nature of the pain is compressed, suffocating, tingling, sharp pain, burning pain and even knife-cutting pain, occasionally near-death fear, forcing patients to stop activities immediately;

6, the pain duration of about 1-5 minutes, generally not more than 20 minutes, rest or after taking nitroglycerin 1-3 minutes can relieve symptoms.

Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is one of the most serious medical emergencies.

Patients can die within minutes of a fatal arrhythmia. During myocardial infarction, patients often have more severe chest pain, and the duration can be more than 30 minutes, or even a few hours, often accompanied by palpitations, cold sweating, dyspnea and collapse and other symptoms.

It may be accompanied by decreased blood pressure, heart failure and other manifestations.

Chest pain in acute myocardial infarction has the following characteristics:

1, the nature and location of chest pain and angina pectoris similar, but more intense and lasting, lasting for a few hours to a few days, rest or nitroglycerin can not be relieved;

2, often accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, pale face, dyspnea, irregular heartbeat, reduced blood pressure, heart failure and so on.

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