Biden "shot" at China again, but the United States did not fight first, and a large number of lawmakers chose to run away collectively

In the context of the Sino-US game, Biden "fired" at China, but the United States was in chaos before the war, and a large number of members of Congress chose to run away collectively.

Since the meeting between Chinese and US leaders in San Francisco, there have been suggestions of major changes in Sino-US relations recently, especially after Biden reiterated to the Chinese side the commitment to adhere to one China and not support "Taiwan independence", such voices of Sino-US detente have become louder. But from the reality point of view, the situation may not be as optimistic as imagined, and even in the context of the Sino-US game, Biden has "fired" at China.

According to John Kirby, strategic communications coordinator of the White House National Security Council, US President Joe Biden recently said that the United States will continue to sell arms to Taiwan, and the purpose is to ensure Taiwan's so-called "self-defense" ability. It is clear that the meeting between the leaders of China and the United States has had very limited effect on stabilizing the relationship between the two countries, although the two sides have reached a series of new agreements, including increasing high-level communication and establishing dialogue mechanisms in various fields, which seem to reflect the momentum of the two countries to rebuild the various dialogue mechanisms previously suspended. However, we must be clear that until the United States has a fundamental change in its strategic positioning of China, the so-called "commitment" of the United States will only be a temporary measure, but at the same time, we must also admit that there are certain changes in Sino-US relations, and even public opinion on the island has called for seizing the peaceful turnaround brought about by the meeting of the two presidents. But Biden's backtracking is tantamount to raising the weapon in his hand again and "shooting" at China. What the outside world did not expect was that at the critical juncture when Biden chose to "shoot", the United States was in chaos without a war.

About 40 members of Congress have announced in advance that they will not seek re-election, the highest number in the past three election cycles, the Global Times reported, citing CBS News. The US government has not yet given a positive response to this, but in the context of highly tense and uncertain Sino-US relations, a large number of members of the US Congress chose to run away collectively, which undoubtedly triggered widespread speculation and association. The voice of the American media mainly focused on three angles of speculation. The first is the dysfunction of Capitol Hill, after the ouster of former House Speaker McCarthy, a total of four candidates went through weeks of infighting and "paralysis" to elect a new speaker, and the endless debate and gridlock have left many lawmakers feeling "mentally and physically exhausted," so they choose to find another way.

Second, based on the chaos and inefficiency of the US Congress, it has also triggered a wide range of negative perceptions among the American people, which has led some lawmakers to question the viability of the current US democratic model and believe that the US system is "rotting from within." So, rather than continue to sacrifice for this chaos, lawmakers should run home en masse to be with their families.

Third, the Biden administration's China policy has clearly pushed the United States to the forefront. The departing representatives bemoaned the current state of Congress and decried the way politics works in the current U.S. government that only benefits grandstanders while lawmakers who are actually trying to resolve differences are unable to do their jobs. Isn't this an attack on the so-called "political correctness" of the United States and its foolish approach of blindly provoking China?

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