The quality and efficiency of China's new agricultural business entities have maintained a sound momentum of development

Strengthening the modern agricultural management system is a major practical need for China's agricultural development to adapt to the rapid development of industrialization, information technology and urbanization at the present stage, and it is also an inevitable requirement for promoting high-quality agricultural development. The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said that at present, the main body of new agricultural operations has maintained a good momentum of development, the quality and efficiency have steadily improved, and the service-oriented effect has continued to increase.

In recent years, with the successive introduction of relevant support policies and the continuous increase of capital investment, various new types of entities have shown a trend of vigorous development. According to data released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, as of the end of October, nearly 4 million family farms were included in the national family farm directory, 2.216 million farmers' cooperatives were registered according to law, and 15,000 joint cooperatives were formed. More than 1.07 million organizations nationwide provided agricultural services, covering more than 1.97 billion mu of land and serving more than 91 million smallholder households.

The Notice on Implementing Actions to Upgrade New Types of Agricultural Business Entities proposes to focus on the development of farmer cooperatives and family farms, focus on improving basic systems, strengthen capacity building, deepen docking services, and improve the guidance system, promote the transformation from quantitative growth vector to quality, and provide strong support for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating agricultural and rural modernization.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs introduced that in 2023, by adhering to the major strategy of accelerating the cultivation of new agricultural operators, in-depth implementation of the promotion action of new agricultural operators, focusing on internal strong quality and external strong ability, focusing on the development of two types of agricultural operators: farmer cooperatives and family farms. New agricultural operators have maintained a good momentum of development in stabilizing grain supply, optimizing industrial structure, and operating service levels.

The role of stabilizing grain supply has been highlighted. At present, there are 1.765 million grain-growing family farms and 542,000 grain-growing cooperatives in China, accounting for 37.5 percent of the total number of new agricultural businesses. New types of agricultural business entities develop moderate scale operations, grain farming family farms average grain planting area of 148.8 mu, and farmers' cooperative societies all have land management rights and investment area of 460.1 mu. New agricultural operators actively participate in the increase of grain and oil crop yield in large areas, promote technology integration and assembly application and local ripening, and play a backbone role in stabilizing grain and expanding oil.

The industrial structure continued to improve. The main business of the new agricultural business covers the production and operation of grain, cotton and oil, meat, eggs and milk, fruit, vegetable and tea, of which 88% of the new agricultural business is engaged in the planting industry. The number of family farms and farmers' cooperatives engaged in the pig industry was 217,000 and 132,000, respectively, an increase of 17.1% and 1.9% over the previous year. The number of agricultural machinery and plant protection services continued to grow, and new industries and business forms such as e-commerce, leisure agriculture and rural tourism developed strongly.

The level of business services has been improved. More than half of the family farms have an annual operating income of 100,000 to 500,000 yuan, and the average annual net profit of each family farm is 116,000 yuan. The annual operating income of farmers' cooperatives is 630.92 billion yuan, and each member can receive a secondary return of the surplus of 1,460.4 yuan. Farmers account for 95.5 percent of the members of farmers' cooperatives across the country. Farmers' cooperatives provide 877.35 billion yuan worth of operating services to their members each year, with each member enjoying 15,000 yuan in unified purchasing and marketing services.

Improved standardized operation. The "one code pass" management and service system for family farms has been fully implemented, and 196,000 family farms across the country have been assigned the "one code pass" code to achieve direct customer acquisition with "one code fixed field". Developed and promoted the "family farm" free bookkeeping software, 115,000 family farm registration applications, standardized financial revenue and expenditure and cost accounting. There were 209,000 demonstration cooperatives and 202,000 demonstration family farms at and above the county level.

The guidance service system will be improved. We carried out the "thousand people with ten thousand communities" action, and built the "National Directory of Counselors for New agricultural management subjects". There are 32,258 counselors at the provincial, municipal, county and township levels nationwide, nearly one-third of which are composed of leaders of new agricultural management subjects, agricultural technicians, and local experts, and 95% of counselors at county and township levels.

"In order to help the development and growth of various new types of agricultural business entities, we must address their actual needs, build a platform, set up factors, and promote the majority of small farmers to benefit from agricultural operations, providing surging momentum for agricultural and rural development." Industry experts said.

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