Hot and cold make the stomach cry

Eat well, drink spicy, big bowl drinking, eating meat is given to reflect the meaning of a better life. However, with the development of the economy, the abundance of agricultural products, eating and drinking, not only can not symbolize a happy life, but also bring health risks. So, accidentally eat too much, drink too much, is there any way to solve it?

In medicine diet, there is a special kind of medicine diet effect is: digestion and alcohol. All the drugs and food included in it are based on digestion and alcohol, and have the effects of digestion and stagnation, alcohol and wake up. This kind of medicinal diet is suitable for eating incontinence, excessive eating of fat, thick and greasy or cold and cold food or drinking, resulting in symptoms such as drunkenness or stomach pain, stomach distension, abdominal distension, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal discomfort symptoms.

After a big meal, there are usually several different reactions. 1, stomach distension, stomach acid hiccup, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, which belongs to the manifestation of food accumulation. 2, stomach pain like press, abdominal pain like kneading, do not think about diet, face, loose stool, which belongs to the weakness of the spleen and stomach. 3, dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting, dry mouth and thirst, body heat, etc., which belongs to the performance of drunkenness. In view of the different reactions after eating and drinking, we will introduce a few simple and easy prescription for medicinal meals, which we can try at home.

Food accumulation - digestion and stagnation

Hawthorn malt tea

Composition: Hawthorn 10g, raw malt 10g

Method: Wash and slice hawthorn, put it into a cup with malt, pour boiling water, cover and brew for 30 minutes, drink instead of tea.

Solution: Hawthorn and raw malt are commonly used drugs for digestion and stagnation, but also food. Hawthorn commonly known as "Shanli red", "red fruit", etc., is the rose family plant Shanli red or hawthorn dry mature fruit, taste sour, slightly sweet. Hawthorn contains a lot of vitamin C, has a certain nutritional value. In addition, the lipase contained in hawthorn can promote fat digestion, and the sour and sweet taste can stimulate the secretion of stomach acid, which can help the digestion of dairy products and meat foods.

The raw malt contains proteolytic enzymes and B vitamins, which are mostly used to eliminate rice noodles, potatoes and food stagnation. This medicinal diet with hawthorn, raw malt together brewing, has the effect of stomach digestion, accumulation and stagnation, clinical commonly used to relieve due to eating too much meat, dairy food caused by food accumulation, appetite loss, stomach distension, nausea and vomiting symptoms. And because the taste is sweet and sour, it is more suitable for the taste of the elderly, children and other people, and is easy to be accepted by them.

If you feel that the way of making tea is too single, you can also brew hawthorn and raw malt with good water, add rice to boil into porridge, add brown sugar to taste, and then eat in batches. Although the effect of digestion is weak, the effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach has been enhanced, and it is more suitable for the elderly and children.

The spleen and stomach are weak -- strengthening spleen and relieving food

Soothing egg custard

Composition: yam, poria, lotus seed, hawthorn, malt, chicken gold, orange peel equal amount, egg, salt, soy sauce appropriate amount.

Making method: After the first 7 flavors, take 5g, add it into the egg, break it up, steam it, add appropriate amount of salt and soy sauce, and then eat.

Prescription solution: the yam, Tuckaia, lotus seeds used in the prescription have a beneficial qi tonifying role, at the same time, the three taste sweet and flat, can not only tonify the spleen and stomach, but also can dedamp and diarrhea, clinical often used to treat the spleen and stomach weak diet, diarrhea long dysentic symptoms. The egg has the effect of tonifying spleen and stomach, nourishing blood and calming, nourishing Yin and moistening dryness, in addition to the hawthorn, malt and chicken gold, regulating Qi of tangerine peel, can play the role of tonifying spleen and regulating qi, strengthening stomach and eliminating. For people with weak spleen and stomach, gastrointestinal discomfort caused by improper eating has a alleviating effect.

Drunk -- to get rid of alcohol

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that alcohol is warm and dry, and it can be used to relieve sweating or diuretic and urinate food or medicine to reduce or eliminate drunken reaction.

Jujube hovenia drink

Composition: Kudzu 20g, kudzu 10g, Hovenia hovenia 15g

Method: Decocting twice in water, taking 600-800ml juice, taking 3-5 times within 2 hours.

Prescription: Juga and hovenia are the most common alcohol raisins. Kudaria has the effect of antialcoholism, often used for long-term drinking caused by nausea, vomiting, short red urine treatment. Hovenia has the function of diuresis, clearing heat and detoxifying, and "Yunnan Herbal Medicine" thinks it "can detoxifying alcohol"; "Materia Medica scavenges" that its "thirst relief, to the diaphragm heat", clinically used to treat after drinking hot, urine adverse symptoms. In addition to the pueraria that can clear heat and produce fluid, it can alleviate the symptoms of dry mouth and thirst caused by excessive drinking.

However, when nausea, vomiting, irritation, heat and thirst occur after drinking, it is best to identify with acute alcoholism. Acute alcoholism is an acute onset of the disease, mainly caused by excessive drinking, usually after drinking. If there are symptoms of the nervous system after drinking alcohol, such as: excitement and agitation, movement incoordination, confusion, etc., some people may also have dizziness, headache, temperature drop, eyeball congestion and other symptoms, and even serious coma and metabolic disorders, it is recommended to go to the hospital emergency treatment, do not blindly boil the liquor prescription at home, so as not to delay the disease.

Although there are some medicinal recipes in TCM food therapy that can relieve the discomfort caused by overeating or overeating, during the festival, we still advocate civilized dining, in line with food saving, refusing to waste on the tip of the tongue, and eating according to actual needs. Eating large amounts of food suddenly can lead to an increased risk of pancreatitis. If the habit is formed, it will also lead to an increase in the incidence of chronic diseases such as obesity, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia, which is not good for overall health.

In addition, although drinking at dinner can increase the warmth and intimacy of the atmosphere, but everyone's tolerance to alcohol is not the same, those who are allergic to alcohol should avoid drinking. Even in people with strong tolerance, excessive drinking can also lead to acute and chronic alcoholism, alcoholic fatty liver, and severe alcoholic cirrhosis, etc. In addition, excessive drinking can also increase the risk of diseases such as high blood pressure and stroke.

In short, despite the protection of traditional Chinese medicine, we still advocate a balanced diet and moderate drinking.

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