How to eat ginseng VS American ginseng nourishing Festival

Ginseng has been regarded as a precious medicine since ancient times, and it also has the meaning of prolonging life and good health. Therefore, ginseng, American ginseng also naturally become the New Year to honor their elders, relatives and friends to give each other a nourishing festival. However, although these two kinds of star supplements have the effect of tonifying qi, they are still very different in terms of medicine and efficacy, and not everyone is applicable. Today, the pharmacist will help you analyze how to eat the high-end tonics received during the festival.

Different physique tonifying qi do not choose the wrong parameter

Ginseng is the root of Acanthaceae plant ginseng, mainly produced in Jilin Province and north Korea, according to the different processing technology of ginseng, there are white ginseng and red ginseng.

American ginseng, also known as American ginseng, is the root of the Acanthaceae plant American ginseng, mainly produced in North America, the United States, Canada, China began to introduce American ginseng in the 1970s.

The two medicinal materials are derived from two plants of the same family and genus, and are similar in chemical composition and pharmacological properties. But there are big differences in the potency and efficacy of the two drugs.

Ginseng is mildly warm, sweet and slightly bitter, and it needs medicine to replenish Qi. It has the effect of invigorating qi, strengthening heart, tonifying spleen and lung, calming and promoting fluid; American ginseng is cool, sweet taste, has the effect of tonifying lung Yin, clearing fire, nourishing stomach and promoting fluid. The taste of the two medicines are sweet, and Gan can benefit Qi and Sheng Jin, which is the same place between them.

The difference is that American ginseng is cool, cool can clear heat, sweet cool combination, both can clear heat and nourish Yin, but also can produce fluid to quench thirst; Ginseng is warm, and bitter taste, warm can supplement Yang dispelling cold, bitter can dry dampness, help Yang effect; American ginseng replenishes qi and tends to nourish Yin; Ginseng invigorates qi, tends to assist Yang; The power of ginseng to replenish qi is better than that of American ginseng, and the power of American ginseng to clear heat and promote fluid is higher than ginseng.

It is better to use American ginseng when people with Yin deficiency constitution suffer from Qi deficiency syndrome; The physical quality is biased to deficiency cold, suffering from qi deficiency syndrome, should choose ginseng.

Heart protection and anti-cancer efficacy have their own advantages

Modern pharmacological studies have found that human participation in American ginseng has a wide range of pharmacological effects, involving the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, immune system, anti-stress, anti-tumor and metabolism. Due to the similar composition of human ginseng, all contain ginsenosides, polysaccharides and other effective components, but the content and proportion are different, and each has a characteristic composition, these differences lead to the medicinal differences of Western ginseng.

Cardiovascular protection American ginseng and ginseng both have cardiovascular protection. The ginsenosides contained in them have the effect of cardiac glycosides, which can increase myocardial contractility and increase blood pressure. Increase myocardial oxygen supply and improve myocardial work efficiency.

American ginseng has the same role as ginseng saponins, but its characteristic component pseudoginsenoside F11 has positive inotropic effect on heart function, which is manifested as heart protection. At the same time, American ginseng also has a certain antihypertensive effect, especially the diastolic blood pressure is more obvious.

Hypoglycemic ginseng and American ginseng can both participate in glucose metabolism and regulate lipid metabolism. The effect of American ginseng on lowering blood lipids is stronger than that of ginseng, while the effect of ginseng on lowering blood sugar is obviously higher than that of American ginseng.

Ginsenosides can also enhance digestion and absorption function, improve pepsin activity, protect gastrointestinal cells, and improve spleen deficiency symptoms. All these have proved that ginseng has the function of tonifying spleen and lung and invigorating vitality.

Enhance immune function Ginseng and American ginseng also contain polysaccharide components. Ginseng polysaccharide has positive pharmacological effects on immune function, hematopoietic function, anti-tumor, anti-liver injury and lowering blood sugar. American ginseng polysaccharide also has the effects of enhancing immune function, anti-tumor and anti-oxidation.

Other functions Ginseng has a biphasic regulation effect on the central nervous system, ginsenosides can not only excite the central nervous system, can resist fatigue, but also have a sedative effect, and fight against tension, but its excitatory effect is strong. Ginseng can also improve cognitive dysfunction, improve short-term learning and memory ability, reduce cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury, and protect brain nerve cells from damage.

The central excitatory effect of American ginseng is weak, mainly inhibitory effect, sedative effect is more prominent.

Even the best supplements have their contraindications

Ginseng ginseng tonifying qi, tonifying blood, removing dampness, tonifying Yang, the effect is a lot, but not everyone can take health care products. It should be used with caution in patients with hypertension, and should not be taken by healthy people and adolescents, who may cause precocious puberty and estrogen-like effects.

In addition, remember not to take a large amount, otherwise it can induce central nervous system excitement, similar to corticosteroid poisoning symptoms, excessive ginsenosides can inhibit hepatocyte proliferation, cause hepatocyte damage, and may have direct toxic side effects on hepatocytes.

It should be noted that positive evidence, heat syndrome, dampness-heat internal sheng and positive qi not deficiency should not be taken. Yin deficiency dry cough, vomiting blood should be used with caution.

American ginseng ginseng so "fierce", relative "good temper" American ginseng can be used casually? Of course not. Although American ginseng has mild medicinal properties, improper use can also cause adverse reactions.

The people who should not use American ginseng include: insufficient Yang, feeling superficial evil, damp and heat not exhausted; Middle Yang decline, stomach cold dampness or physical deficiency cold, the manifestations are pale, floating face swollen limbs, fear of cold, slow heartbeat, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and distension, thin loose stool, tongue coating white and greasy; Male impotence, premature ejaculation, spermopathy, spermopathy; Women dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, leucorrhea thin as much as water, sexual apathy; Children with developmental delay and indigestion; Cold cough or acute infection with damp heat.

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Take a look at the five "eat" taking method

Cut or swallow the ginseng into thin slices, take 2 tablets twice a day, put them into the mouth, chew the residue until it is tasteless. Or ground the ginseng into fine powder, take once a day, 2-3 grams each time, swallow with warm water.

Cut the ginseng into thin slices, 3 to 6 grams each time, put it in a cup or a warm cup, and soak it in boiling water to drink instead of tea. Generally can be soaked several times, until the taste becomes weak after chewing it.

Decocting the ginseng single flavor water decocting, 3 ~ 10 grams a day, simmering long decocting, divided or mixed with other decocting juice.

For drinking wine, slice 30g of ginseng, put it into 1000 ml of white wine, and drink it after 10 days, 25 ml each time, twice a day.

Medicinal food can be cooked with chicken, duck, goose, yam, lily, etc. in a casserole pot, and eaten together with ginseng, meat and soup.

Knock on the blackboard

Don't eat these foods during the supplement

During the consumption of ginseng or American ginseng, it is not appropriate to eat foods containing tannic acid such as black beans, tea, coffee, radish, grapes, because tannic acid can combine with the effective components of ginseng or American ginseng, so that its absorption is reduced.

Whether ginseng or American ginseng should not be taken for a long time, should be taken when you feel weak, remember not to take for years. At present, there are many kinds of ginseng and American ginseng health food on the market, so we should pay full attention to the applicable people and precautions of different products when choosing, and choose the right health products to give full play to its health care effect on the human body.

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