Prevention and control measures

The peak season is from April to June, with an average incubation period of 3 to 5 days. The disease is self-limiting, usually mild, and has a good prognosis, with full recovery after a 7-10 day course of illness.

Most of the children with fever, oral mucosa appeared scattered herpes, hands, feet and buttocks appeared maculopapules, herpes as the main symptoms, but also accompanied by cough, runny nose, loss of appetite and other manifestations.

Prevention and control measures:

1.Keeping good hand hygiene habits is an effective measure to prevent HFMD. Children should wash their hands properly with hand sanitizer or soap after touching public objects, after contact with saliva and respiratory secretions, after going to the toilet, before eating, etc.

2.Keep the family environment clean and hygienic, pay attention to indoor ventilation, and dry clothes and quilts frequently. Regularly clean and disinfect items that children frequently touch.

3.It is not appropriate to take children to public places where crowds gather and air circulation is poor during the HFMD epidemic. Avoid contact with sick children, including sharing utensils, towels or other personal items, to prevent cross-infection.

4.EV71 vaccination can not only effectively prevent HFMD and other related diseases caused by EV-A71 infection, but also significantly reduce the incidence of severe HFMD and death. Children over 6 months of age are encouraged to complete the full course of vaccination before 12 months of age.

Dengue fever
Dengue fever is an acute infectious disease caused by Dengue virus, which is mainly transmitted through the bite of Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus. China has a high occurrence period from May to September every year. The incubation period is usually 5-8 days after a person is infected by a bite.

The early symptoms are mainly high fever, which can reach 39-40℃ in a short time, accompanied by headaches, muscle and joint pain and other symptoms. Two to five days after the onset of the skin rash on the neck, limbs and face, half of the cases have bleeding, severe cases may appear organ bleeding and shock and other symptoms.

Protective measures:
1.Remove Aedes mosquito breeding grounds such as puddles, rock holes, sewage ditches and water tanks.

2.Install mosquito nets, window screens, electric mosquito-repellent incense and other anti-mosquito devices indoors to reduce mosquito bites. Use repellents in advance when going to outdoor places.

3.Avoid traveling to areas with high incidence of dengue fever. If you must, take personal protection.

4.If a returnee who has recently traveled to Latin America and the Caribbean develops symptoms such as fever, rash, or bleeding within half a month of his/her return, he/she should go to a designated hospital for treatment of infectious diseases and explain his/her travel history to the doctor.

Pertussis is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by pertussis bordetella infection, the disease is highly contagious, high incidence in May and June, the population is generally susceptible, all ages can be affected, but the city is more common in 6~14 years old.

The symptoms of adults and older children after infection are mild, more atypical, and easy to be ignored, while infants and young children (especially those born within 3 months of age who have not been vaccinated with DTP vaccine) after whooping cough infection, the condition is more serious, prone to lung and brain complications, usually require hospitalization.

Prevention and control measures:

  1. Pay attention to ventilation in the room, cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and maintain good personal hygiene habits. Avoid close contact with patients, and it is recommended to wear a mask when going to places where people gather.

2.units where clusters of epidemic cases have occurred, the health of staff in the units shall be monitored daily. People with cough, runny nose, fever and other symptoms should seek medical treatment in time, and advocate going to work and school without illness.

3.Pay attention to the combination of work and rest, reasonable rest and rest, maintain appropriate physical exercise, and enhance their resistance.
4.Timely vaccination is recommended for children of TDAP vaccine age, especially infants and toddlers aged 3 months.

5.Children (especially infants and young children) with cough, vomiting after coughing, fever and other symptoms should seek medical attention in time. After infection, it is recommended to isolate at home until at least 5 days after effective antibacterial treatment, and for patients who do not receive effective antibacterial treatment in time, the isolation period is 21 days after spasmodic cough.

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