Good 0-6 years old eye care

Children's eyes and visual functions are gradually developed and mature, 0-6 years old is the key period of children's eye structure and visual function development. When a newborn is just born, the vision is only light, and as the child grows up, the vision gradually develops.

Generally speaking, the vision of a 1-year-old child can reach 0.2, the vision of a 3-year-old child can reach more than 0.5, and the vision of a child aged 5 and above can reach more than 0.8, so the child's vision and visual function are gradually developed.

Therefore, it is very important to carry out eye health care and vision examination services for children aged 0-6 years. By carrying out targeted examinations for children of different ages, it can early screen and intervene in children's blinding eye diseases, refractive errors such as myopia and common eye diseases such as strabismus and amblyopia, which plays an important role in protecting children's eye health and preventing and controlling myopia.

In infancy, early childhood, early school age, the focus of eye care has its own emphasis.

In infancy, that is, eye care within 1 year of age is mainly to screen children for congenital blinding diseases, such as premature infants prone to blinding retinopathy of prematurity, which accounts for 10%-20% of the incidence in premature infants, and is the primary disease leading to childhood blindness.

Therefore, premature babies should be screened immediately after birth. Infants should also be screened for congenital cataracts, the incidence of which is about 4 per thousand, accounting for about 30% of blinding eye diseases in newborns.

Early screening and early diagnosis of congenital blinding eye diseases can avoid visual disability or blindness and avoid lifelong regret.

Early childhood is 1-3 years old, the focus of eye care is to screen strabismus, amblyopia and other related eye diseases. The prevalence of strabismus is 3%, and strabismus not only affects the appearance of children, but also leads to amblyopia, affects the formation of children's stereovision, and affects the career choice of adults.

Amblyopia occurs because the child's eyes are in the visual development period, monocular strabismus, severe farsightedness, myopia, astigmatism, and the difference in diopter of the two eyes is too large, these factors will cause visual development disorders, resulting in low vision in children.

Even with glasses, these children's vision is not normal. The prevalence of amblyopia is also relatively high in 1%-5%, many amblyopia children have no special abnormal performance, often overlooked, so it needs to be found through regular medical examinations.

Amblyopia can be cured or improved, and the younger the age, the better the treatment effect, and it is more difficult to correct after the age of 6. Therefore, strabismus and amblyopia require early screening, early diagnosis and early treatment.

In the early school age, that is, 4-6 years old, the focus of eye health care is to understand children's vision and refractive status, and to prevent and control myopia. We all know that the eyes of newborns gradually develop, and when they are born, the eyeballs are small, the eye axis is short, and the eyes are in the physiological hyperopia, which is called "hyperopia reserve".

With the growth and development of children, children's eyeballs gradually grow up, and physiological hyperopia gradually tends to face squarely. If the eyeball continues to grow after facing, the eye axis is too long and will develop myopia. Therefore, the focus of prevention and control of myopia in preschool children is to prevent premature and excessive consumption of far-sighted reserves.

The use of medical instruments can detect the hyperopia reserve of children, and can predict whether children have the possibility of myopia before the age of 6, which can do a good basic work for the prevention of myopia.

0-6 years old is a very important stage in the prevention and control of myopia, especially in the prevention of myopia, which can give parents a prediction in advance.

When we do the eye health screening, we can know whether the child has a reserve of farsightedness and whether the reserve of farsightedness is sufficient. Generally at the age of 3, if there is 175 degrees to 200 degrees of hyperopia is normal.

If there is 125 to 150 degrees of hyperopia at the age of 6, and 75 to 100 degrees of hyperopia at the age of 8, you can delay the child's myopia or even no myopia, which can significantly reduce the incidence of myopia, and also greatly reduce the probability of high hyperopia.

Therefore, at different stages, the focus of children's eye health screening is different.

How to prevent myopia? We recommend that young children be read picture books by their parents, and children under the age of 3 should try not to use electronic products.

If 3-6 years old children must use electronic products, they must control the use time, reduce the close eye time, and do not exceed 15 minutes each time under 6 years old.

In addition, it should be noted that school-age children should keep in mind the "20,20,20" eye rule, so that children can retain more far-sighted reserves, delay the age of their myopia, and reduce the appearance of myopia.

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