How does high quality protein improve immunity? Experts tell you

When it comes to protein, many people confuse it with egg white (egg white). In fact, protein is a nitrogen-containing polymer organic compounds, it exists in all animals and plants and all organisms, it can be said that protein is the material basis of life, no protein there is no life. Proteins in the human body perform important physiological functions.

1, the most important food to promote growth and development and repair tissue. Human tissue is composed of cells, these cells to continue to update, it is required that proteins continue to provide updated "raw materials", so the human body needs to synthesize more than 70g of protein every day, if it can not meet the needs, the weight gradually decline, growth and development stagnation.

2, regulate the physiological function of the human body. Human metabolic activities need enzymes as catalysts, if there is no enzyme involved in the reaction, life activities can not be carried out; Many hormones in the human body, such as insulin, growth hormone, adrenaline, etc., play a very important role in the growth and development of the body; Antibodies in the blood can resist the invasion of foreign bacteria and viruses. These enzymes, hormones, antibodies are made of proteins or their derivatives, so proteins have a role in regulating physiological functions.

3, protein is the main material basis of genetic genes. Nucleoproteins, RNA and DNA, which play an important role in heredity, are all synthesized by proteins.

4, regulate water and salt metabolism and acid-base balance. Proteins are responsible for the flow of intercellular fluid into the blood system and the flow of blood into small blood vessels to provide nutrients to the cells. When the body is extremely deficient in protein, water cannot return to the blood vessels, but remains in the intercellular fluid, resulting in edema.

  1. Protein also has the function of detoxification and transporting nutrients. Many nutrients, such as iron and vitamin E, enter the body as a carrier of protein, and when protein is lacking, the absorption and operation of these nutrients will decline.

At present, nutrition research divides the amino acid pattern contained in proteins. The closer the amino acid pattern of human proteins is, the more easily this protein is assessed to be absorbed and utilized by the human body, which is called high-quality protein. It contains a complete range of essential amino acids, sufficient quantity and appropriate proportion. Such as milk casein, whey protein, egg albumin and vitelline phosphoprotein, meat albumin and muscle protein, soy protein. Some of the high-quality proteins, such as lactoferrin contained in some dairy products, can be firmly combined with iron, so that it can not be used by bacteria and viruses, and to inhibit the growth and reproduction of a variety of pathogenic bacteria, such as pathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium, and reduce the occurrence of diarrhea.

Studies have shown that high-quality protein can stimulate the human immune system cells, as a supplement for infants or people with compromised immune systems, improve disease resistance and reduce the likelihood of illness. High-quality proteins, as components of antibodies with immune function, can bind to foreign proteins, which is an important step in removing foreign invaders. Experts believe that if protein intake is insufficient, immune function will be impaired.

Experts suggest that in order to do a good job of personal protection at the same time, improve their health, increase the intake of high-quality protein, improve immunity, you can reduce susceptibility, but also enhance the ability to heal.

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