Breakfast porridge is easy to get hungry, how to match a healthy and nutritious breakfast?

As the saying goes, breakfast should be good, lunch should be full, dinner should be small. This shows how important breakfast is in the day. But many people because of busy work and ignore breakfast, most of the family's breakfast standard is to drink porridge with pickles, but they do not know that a long time will affect the mental state, increase the risk of gallstones, in order to their own health must be reasonable with breakfast.

Why breakfast porridge easy hungry?

Porridge is indeed a good staple food, easy to digest, especially suitable for people with bad teeth and poor gastrointestinal physiological function. However, people with normal gastrointestinal function can not drink porridge in the morning, especially fine food, because porridge is easy to digest, and a few hours later there will be hunger. There are also many families will put porridge and pickles together, pickles are high salt food, the nitrate contained in pickles will form ammonium nitrite in the body and amine, which is a first-level carcinogen, easy to cause stomach cancer.

How to eat breakfast healthily?

Science breakfast should include four categories, namely cereals, meat or eggs, dairy and fruits and vegetables. Cereal can provide energy for the body, choose carbohydrate-rich bread and steamed bread, to account for 60%. Meat and eggs can provide protein, mainly poultry eggs and meat, accounting for 20%. Dairy products, such as dairy products and soy products, need to account for 10%. Vegetables and fruits can supplement inorganic salts and vitamins, accounting for 5% respectively.

  1. Folic acid and vitamin B12

Folate, found in legumes and vegetables, and vitamin B12, found in animal foods, combine to produce new cells that clear the body of homocysteine and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

  1. Lycopene and good fats

The bright red vegetable contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that may protect against heart disease and prostate cancer. However, lycopene is fat-soluble and must be eaten at the same time as fat to be absorbed by the body. You can eat tomatoes with avocado, which contains unsaturated fatty acids, to increase absorption rate. It can also be served with nuts and olive oil.

  1. Iron and vitamin C

Iron is an essential nutrient for the body, divided into heme iron and non-heme iron, the former is found in animal liver and meat, the absorption rate is extremely high. The latter is found in nuts and legumes and is not easily absorbed, but when combined with vitamin c, it improves iron absorption. So for breakfast, you can have tahini with green peppers.

  1. Sulforaphane and selenium

Sulforaphane and selenium are both anticancer substances. The former is found in the crossword family and can inhibit the growth of cancer cells when it enters the blood. For breakfast, choose broccoli with roast beef.

Warm reminder

No matter how busy the work is, we must ensure that there is a nutritious breakfast, and the breakfast time is arranged between 7:30 and 8:00 in the morning. Have a four-hour interval between breakfast and lunch to give your stomach enough time to digest. Many office workers have to hurry to eat breakfast or eat while walking, which will cause damage to the stomach, and can burn the gastric mucosa for a long time, increasing the risk of stomach cancer. In addition, breakfast can not eat too greasy, because the spleen is sleepy and sluggish in the morning, excessive nutrition will exceed the gastrointestinal digestive capacity, not easy to be digested and absorbed, and even reduce digestive function, causing gastrointestinal diseases and body obesity. Breakfast should grasp the principle of balanced nutrition, choose easy to digest and absorb and high vitamin, low fat and low sugar dietary principles, avoid eating greasy frying, stimulating too much and dry hard food, and can not eat too full.

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