Liang Zi studied three-dimensional cutting in Paris in 1999

Chinese eco-fashion designer Liang Zi

From Guangdong in China to Paris in France, Chinese eco-friendly fashion designer Liang Zi has brought the Chinese fashion treasure "scope-silk" to the fashion capital of the world.

However, even for many Chinese people, the name "scope-silk" may be a little unfamiliar. This silk production process in China has a long history, natural pollution-free, listed in the national intangible cultural heritage list - commonly known as "soft gold".

"Why is it called soft gold? First of all, it's 100 percent silk, which is a very long production process, very natural, and very difficult to make. Dyeing it is a pure natural process, we have to go to the mountains of Guangdong and Guangxi to collect wild tubers,

spend ten days or more to soak the fabric in tubers juice more than thirty times, and then spread the fabric on the grass again and again to absorb the essence of tubers juice, and finally put the unpolluted mud from the lotus pond on it."

Liang Zi excitedly talked about the complicated production process of the silk, "From the beginning of the production of silk to the design, it will take two years." You say she's not soft gold?"

According to records, Shunde, Guangdong Province began to produce and export scopy-silk in the early 15th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, production reached its peak in Guangdong and was sold to Europe,

America and Southeast Asia. Later, with the popularity of chemical fiber cotton fabrics, the sales volume of the silk fell due to its complex production process and gradually faded from the historical stage.

Languishing in guangdong shunde sun lang Chinese field

Liang Zi "first encountered" the silk in 1995, and was "fascinated" by its appearance, texture and green concept, and was determined to let the world know the silk again. Liang Zi recalls, "There was a supplier who knew us very well, he knew that we were very fond of natural materials,

and he had a small batch of pieces of tropey-silk that had been stored for many years, and he gave it to us for design. At that time, the silk cloth was very old, and most of it was very brittle. But when I saw the texture, the appearance and the feel of the silk, I fell in love with it."

In 1999, Liang Zi went to France to learn three-dimensional cutting, and she introduced her own silk design to French fashion colleagues for the first time, and attracted a lot of attention. This planted a seed in her heart - one day to bring Chinese silk to the world's fashion capital Paris.

"Every fashion designer has a dream to bring their brand to Paris, and I do too. At that time, I thought to myself, if one day we can design a fashion show in Paris, or open a shop in Paris, how happy it would be!"

Liang Zi studied three-dimensional cutting in Paris in 1999

In 2003, Liang Zi was invited to participate in the Paris Fashion Week in France, and officially promoted China's scoped silk to the world fashion stage. After many efforts, Liang Zi finally opened the first scoped silk fashion store "Scoped House" in Paris in 2019. Since then, the silk has been competing with international brands in the fashion capital of the world.

In recent years, with the concept of low carbon emission reduction constantly attracting the attention of the international community, Chinese scoped silk has also been "out of the circle" and become a representative of "green fashion".

"The pure natural production and dyeing process of the silk is very impressive to the French fashion industry professionals. Because of this, they have been studying our brand for years and learning from our path of sustainable fashion." Liang Zi proudly said, "Some of the most well-known international brands in Paris also want to learn from our 20 years of experience in sustainable fashion."

Liang Zi believes that her silk shop is an image window for French people to truly feel the Chinese culture and the Chinese concept of sustainable development. "In fact, what can move people is often a genuine work.

"The garment is a very good vehicle to show Chinese culture and Chinese design, as well as China's original and sustainable fashion concept." "In my major, fashion design and fashion can also be a good tool, a bridge to spread Chinese culture and promote international exchanges," Liang said.Clothing wear favorite "urban outdoor" new national style has become popular fashion

As the temperature rises, the heavy down jackets and coats are taken off, and People's Daily wear is enriched. This year, there are two highlights worthy of attention: the combination of fashion and sports outdoor functional needs of "urban outdoor" wear is popular, and the new national style has become popular fashion.

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As the first life demand in "food, clothing, housing and transportation", clothing has carried people's infinite yearning for a better life since ancient times. In recent years, people have injected the current life attitude and personal preferences into the art of dressing, stepping into the era of "beauty freedom".

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