"Tide" surging new cross-border integration to lead the trend of fashion

As a microcosm of the rise of national tide, traditional cheongsam folded Hanfu half skirt, Song brocade coat with wide-leg pants, button-down shirt with horse skirt, combined with traditional Chinese elements and the current aesthetic fashion of improved Hanfu,

new Chinese clothing by more and more Chinese people love. Many people and Sun Yanyan's idea, that this kind of clothing has a strong classical charm, but also adapt to the needs of daily wear light and beautiful, so willing to pay for consumption.

China Textile Industry Federation data show that in 2023, the "new Chinese" clothing market size reached 1 billion yuan. In the past three years, the gross merchandise volume of related products has grown by more than 100%.

The increasing cultural confidence and the fashion design that is more and more in line with the current popular aesthetic have made Chinese people find a sense of belonging and pride in Chinese brands and domestic "fashionable goods".

The creative pastries of Daoxiang Village, a time-honored Chinese brand, are popular with consumers. Photo by Dong Bei/Guangming Photo

Not only Chinese clothing is in line with the trend, but the national tide consumption heat in various industries such as catering, beauty, fashion, cultural tourism is constantly rising, conveying the strong driving force of China's economic growth.

The Survey Report on China's Economic Development and Consumer Behavior in 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the Report) shows that the market size of China's economic boom in 2023 is 2,051.74 billion yuan, an increase of 9.44%, and is expected to exceed 300 billion yuan in 2028.

Another spring flower season, this year, the elements of the national style become a beautiful landscape in the flower season. Last year, the ancient custom of 𫊻 Pu women wearing hairpins and flowers in Fujian province went viral on the Internet,

attracting tourists from all over the country Today d «Š» Pu Village is full of tourists wearing flowers and Hanfu, turning the small fishing village "Dan" into a "floating flower. On Douyin, topics related to 𫊻 have more than 1 stream In the Little Red Book, there are more than 1.28 million notes related to wearing flowers.

The popularity of traditional folk customs has made local cultural tourism explode, and also led to the development of related industries such as national style clothing rental and photo experience museum,

promoting the arrival of 𫊻 cultural consumption Two years ago, 𫊻 Pu village had no professional makeup and travel photo service. Now there are more than 200 local traditional flower hairdressing shops and travel photo shops in the village, some of which have a daily turnover of up to 5 percent in peak season

Visitors look at exhibits at the tea set booth of the 4th China International Consumer Goods Fair. Xinhua News Agency

The "fashionable goods" symbolizing the beauty of the East are favored by more and more Chinese people, which is the rise of fashion trends, but also the expression of cultural identity and self-confidence,

helping the industrialization and scale of related fields and giving birth to new economic growth points. Wang Tao, general manager of Bubble Mart Public Affairs, said that behind the national tide, accompanied by increasing cultural confidence,

more and more people began to pay attention to and like traditional culture, but also hope to feel the power of traditional Chinese culture. For enterprises, digging deep into the connotation of traditional Chinese culture and creating high-quality products with good creativity and design will help to explore more new expressions of traditional culture and tell good Chinese stories.

Wang Wentao, minister of Commerce, said that high-quality domestic goods carry the national spirit and excellent traditional culture, while "fashionable goods" represent the trend of fashion consumption and quality consumption. The cross-border collision and integration of domestic goods and "fashionable goods" have stimulated new hot spots in residents' life and consumption.

"Tide" surging new cross-border integration to lead the trend of fashion

The old brand brings out the new "turn red", and the new domestic products boldly innovate "out of the circle". The innovative expression of trendiness, the new design and new marketing combining culture and science and technology, make the domestic "fashionable products" show new vitality.

In Zhongshan Road, Quanzhou City, Fujian province, a 𫊻 Pu female hair-flower encircle experience shop, the boss for tourists Xinhua News Agency

In the jewelry exhibition area of the Consumer Expo, the audience stopped to punch in front of a golden Phoenix crown suspended in the display case. Jiao Zhongxiang, deputy manager of the Marketing Department of Shanghai Laofengxiang Co., LTD.,

introduced that this exhibit uses gravity free suspension device technology, which can make the golden Phoenix crown weighing 1 kg floating drift without relying on external forces, bringing the visual impact of "Phoenix soaring" to the audience.

Not only the use of new technologies, time-honored brands also use e-commerce live broadcasting platforms to transform the traditional model of "sitting in stores and other customers", and use digital technology to fully investigate user consumption characteristics, so as to launch "explosive" customized products, which are in line with people's current new needs.

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