In a centralized medical observation hotel in Ordos City's Dongsheng district

Under the fireworks, medical workers dressed in protective suits and carried out nucleic acid tests for visitors. The touching and romantic scene broke the Internet.

In just a few hours, 33,863 people completed nucleic acid tests, and the results were negative. "Speed and temperature" "This reflects Shanghai's excellent emergency response and social governance capabilities"... Netizens have praised the efficiency of the refined epidemic prevention measures.

The work of transporting stranded passengers in Ejin Banner has also been carried out in an orderly manner. In order to allow the stranded more than 9,000 tourists to return home safely and resume normal life as soon as possible,

the local government has formulated plans according to the classification of tourist trains, individual passenger trains, tourist chartered buses and self-driving tourists, and accurately docking each tourist.

In a centralized medical observation hotel in Ordos City's Dongsheng district, which receives transit tourists, each room is prepared in advance with protective masks, hand sanitizer and fresh fruits and vegetables, and the elderly over 60 are equipped with wheelchairs, common medicines, emergency treatment and psychological counseling hotline.

According to the National Health Commission, the current epidemic has many locations, wide areas and long lines. Interviewees pointed out that although the number of confirmed patients is still increasing,

with scientific and accurate epidemic prevention measures and the active cooperation of the general public, the current epidemic is expected to be brought under control as soon as possible.We will continue to strictly prevent imported COVID-19 in a scientific and precise manner and strengthen the defensive line of epidemic prevention and control

After organizing to listen to and watch the national video and telephone conference on the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, our province immediately deployed implementation measures. We will ensure that the people have a healthy and safe holiday and create a good environment for the smooth holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

"At present, the global epidemic is still spreading, the Omicron variant strain further increases the uncertainty, the domestic epidemic is distributed in multiple places, and the task of preventing import is arduous."

Wang Zhonglin pointed out that all local units should resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of epidemic prevention and control, do not relax the strain of epidemic prevention and control, always maintain the vigilance of stepping on thin ice,

the tenacity of continuous combat, and the responsibility of performing duties, adhere to the "four umbrellas at the same time, often urgent and balanced, precise policies, and overall balance", and build a tight defense line for epidemic prevention and control.

It is necessary to make every effort to prevent importation, strictly monitor the health of inbound personnel and strengthen closed-loop management, strengthen the prevention and control of imported cold chain food at the first entry point and the first storage point,

do a good job of killing aircraft, key places and transportation vehicles, strictly implement health management measures for inbound personnel from medium-high risk areas in China and border port areas,

and strengthen closed-loop management of key places such as designated hospitals and isolation points. Effectively plug loopholes and prevent risks. It is necessary to improve the multi-point trigger mechanism,

implement regular nucleic acid screening of key populations, and ensure that all tests should be carried out and timely received. Give full play to the "guard card" role of hospitals, clinics and pharmacies to ensure a sensitive and hair-trigger response;

Weave dense and tight village and community grass-roots defense lines, strengthen active investigation, and effectively achieve early detection and early disposal. It is necessary to strengthen the support of scientific and technological strength,

strengthen the professional, lean and sufficient flow control team, and improve the professional level of flow control; Strengthen vaccination efforts, continue to expand coverage, and accelerate the construction of immune barriers;

Strengthen scientific research, strengthen targeted research on vaccines and drugs; Strengthen personnel, materials, sites and other emergency preparedness, and effectively implement scientific and professional prevention and control.

It is necessary to adhere to the province's "one game of chess", strictly implement the "four responsibilities" of territorial jurisdictions, industry departments, units, and individual families, and effectively gather a strong joint force for epidemic prevention and control.

The principal comrades in charge of all localities and units should strengthen their sense of responsibility, strict prevention, overall planning, precision, and ability, adhere to the leadership and forward command,

and effectively carry the epidemic prevention and control work on their shoulders and hands. It is necessary to strengthen the coordination between the upper and lower levels, promote assessment,

and publicize, improve the normal operation mechanism of the command system, comprehensively investigate and timely rectify risks and hidden dangers in the prevention and control work,

and create a good atmosphere for everyone to participate in the prevention and control of the epidemic.Learn these tricks, teach you science to maintain physical and mental health!

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