What if my child swallows a foreign object by mistake

Pediatric clinics often see children who swallow all kinds of foreign bodies by mistake, and parents are very anxious when they see a doctor: "Doctor, does the child need to do gastroscopy?" How do you take out something you've swallowed by mistake?"

Whether or not a gastroscope is necessary varies from person to person

After the child mistakenly ingests foreign bodies, the routine examination means is X-ray, but not all mistakenly ingested foreign bodies can be developed under the X-ray line.

Such as glass, wood, plastic and other non-metallic substances, it is difficult to reveal their true appearance through X-ray.

Therefore, whether non-metallic substances are still in the body or need to be checked by gastroscopy.

Whether it is necessary to do gastroscopy needs to be determined on a case-by-case basis according to the shape and size of the foreign body and the child's specific performance.

If the child has strong abdominal discomfort accompanied by nausea, vomiting and hematemesis, or has symptoms of blood in the stool, parents should pay great attention to it and take the child to the emergency department of the children's specialist hospital immediately.

Determine if the foreign object is in the trachea or esophagus

Once a child mistakenly swallows a foreign object, it is first necessary to determine the approximate location of the foreign object in the body.

If the child appears bluish, breathless, dyspnea, or violent coughing or wheezing, it indicates that foreign matter may have entered the trachea.

Parents should immediately perform the Heimlich maneuver and then take the child to the emergency room of the nearest hospital, where the child can be removed by an ENT doctor using a laryngoscope or by a respiratory doctor using a tracheoscope.

If the child does not have a change in complexion, and is breathing steadily and does not cough, it indicates that a high probability of foreign bodies has entered the esophagus.

Most of the symptoms are dysphagia, foreign body sensation, pain, increased saliva and so on.

Eat more coarse fiber to promote bowel movement

In most cases, if you are not mistakenly swallowed sharp foreign bodies with edges and corners, you can wait for the child to naturally discharge through the stool, and the discharge time is normal within 1 week.

Parents can let children eat more vegetables rich in crude fiber, such as celery, sweet potatoes, etc., to promote children's defecation.

If it is a large volume of foreign bodies or sharp foreign bodies, such as date pits, stitches, glass or metal with sharp edges, it is easy to cause esophageal and gastrointestinal perforation.

Even if the child has no discomfort such as abdominal pain and nausea in a short period of time, the child should be accompanied to the children's specialist hospital as soon as possible, and the gastroenterologist will remove the gastroscope.

During home observation, parents need to pay close attention to their children's bowel movements.

Intestinal bleeding can cause recent stools to appear tarry.

If you have the above symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time.

If there is no discomfort, and the object is small, the probability of a large foreign body can be expelled through normal defecation.

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