on the basis of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (ninth edition)

It should also be noted that at present, the epidemic continues to spread around the world, and there is still great uncertainty about the final direction.
In the new round of battle against the epidemic,

we must not only maintain strategic focus and firm confidence in victory, but also constantly adjust and optimize prevention and control measures in light of the time and situation, and make corresponding adjustments in light of the new characteristics and changes of the epidemic to ensure scientific and accurate measures.

In fact, constantly optimizing epidemic prevention measures according to the time and situation and ensuring scientific and accurate epidemic prevention measures is an important experience of our three years of epidemic prevention, and an important reason for our remarkable achievements in the early stage of epidemic prevention.

According to the mutation of the novel coronavirus, our measures have been optimized and adjusted according to the situation. The Prevention and Control Plan for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia issued by the Joint prevention and control Mechanism of The State Council in response to the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic has been updated nine times in three years, or an average of three versions a year. Each version makes major adjustments to the previous version and adds new content in light of new circumstances and new features.

Recently, on the basis of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (ninth edition), the comprehensive team of the Joint prevention and control mechanism of The State Council once again optimized and improved the prevention and control measures,

and announced 20 measures to further optimize the prevention and control work. This shows the speed and strength of our efforts to optimize and improve epidemic prevention and control measures.

It is worth mentioning that whether it is the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia prevention and Control Plan or the 20 optimization measures, the specific prevention and control measures are changing and optimizing, but the general policy and strategy of epidemic prevention and control have not changed.

The optimization and adjustment of prevention and control measures is not to relax the prevention and control, still less to relax or "lie down", but to adapt to the new situation of epidemic prevention and control and the new characteristics of the virus,

adhere to the established prevention and control strategies and guidelines, further make the prevention and control more scientific and precise, maximize the protection of people's life and health, and minimize the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development.

To achieve this, on the one hand, we must resolutely abandon irresponsible attitudes, resolutely prevent the name of better prevention and control of the banner of "let go", and constantly strengthen the epidemic prevention and control line.

It is necessary to do a good job of regular surveillance and early warning, enhance the sensitivity of epidemic surveillance, and strengthen the monitoring of employees in risk positions, key institutions and key groups, so as to effectively achieve early detection and control of risk personnel.

In the event of an epidemic, the emergency command system should be activated immediately, all prevention and control forces should be mobilized, and the whole society should work together to fight the epidemic.

On the other hand, in the process of epidemic prevention and control, we need to ensure people's livelihood. Epidemic prevention and control, normal production and life, and economic and social development are mutually reinforcing and dialectically unified.

Only by effectively meeting the basic needs of the people during the treatment of the epidemic, ensuring basic livelihood services such as medical treatment, increasing care and help for special groups such as the elderly,

the infirm, the sick and the disabled, and doing everything possible to maintain normal production and work order can we enhance people's confidence and patience in the current epidemic prevention and control policy.

It is a daunting task to effectively coordinate epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development, but as long as we continue to respond to extraordinary things with scientific advice and take precise measures to deal with extraordinary difficulties, we will certainly win the regular epidemic prevention and control battle.How to scientifically control whooping cough when it enters the peak of epidemic?

At present, many places in the world are in the peak period of the whooping cough epidemic, and the whooping cough epidemic in China is also on the rise this year. The National CDC and the NHC recently released the "Plan for the Prevention and Control of pertussis (2024 version)", which specifies measures for pertussis case reporting and management, multi-channel surveillance, and epidemic prevention and control in key institutions.

The plan includes pertussis in the national sentinel surveillance of acute respiratory infectious diseases, which will be monitored throughout the year by sentinel hospitals and network laboratories. We will encourage qualified local organizations to carry out special investigations in epidemiology, etiology and serology.

The "Plan" specifically puts forward requirements for the prevention and control of pertussis in some key institutions: maternity centers should be transferred out of isolation immediately after diagnosis,

newborns should be hospitalized after diagnosis, and staff should leave their posts immediately after diagnosis; Kindergarten institutions, primary and secondary schools should do a good job in kindergarten, school vaccination certificate inspection and inspection and replacement work;

Students diagnosed with pertussis can return to school after 5 days of effective antibiotic treatment; Teachers and staff diagnosed with pertussis can return to work after 5 days of effective antibiotic treatment;

Medical institutions that treat pertussis patients should strengthen disinfection, isolation and protective measures in hospitals, and staff who receive and care for patients with cough symptoms should wear masks, do hand hygiene, and avoid cross-infection and self-infection.

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