Consciously improving immunity is a powerful weapon against disease

Having experienced the nationwide fight against COVID-19, everyone must have a deeper understanding of the importance of health. Yesterday, the provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued a health warning: for the vast majority of people, consciously improving immunity in daily life is a powerful weapon to prevent and resist diseases, especially in the face of some new diseases and the lack of specific drugs and vaccines. The method is very simple, that is, scientific diet, healthy life, so that our immunity is always in a healthy state.

What exactly is immunity?

It is the ability of the body to protect the "self" and resist the "non-self". The immune system in the human body includes immune organs, immune cells and immune molecules that form immunity for us.

The "helper" of immunity - protein

Protein is an important component of the body's cells, tissues and organs. 70% of the solid composition of human cells is protein, and it can be said that there is no life without protein. For our immune system, proteins are the material basis for the construction of immune organs, immune cells and immune molecules, and bear the important immune functions of the body.

How do we make proteins ourselves?

Protein is a biological macromolecule, its basic building block is amino acid. There are more than 300 amino acids in nature, but only 20 amino acids make up human proteins. Of these 20 amino acids, 8 (9 for infants) are not synthesized by the human body and must be obtained from food, so we must eat to ensure our own protein synthesis needs.

What food to eat to supplement protein better?

The protein content and amino acid composition of proteins vary from food to food. When answering the question of protein supplement, we always see the words "good protein" added.

High-quality protein, that is, the various amino acid types and ratios it contains are closer to the amino acid composition of protein in the human body, and this protein is easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body. Recognized high-quality protein is milk, eggs, meat, fish protein and soy protein, in accordance with the recommended intake of dietary guidelines for Chinese residents, if the daily average intake of meat 1, 1 egg, 1 fish, 1/2 soy, milk 300 grams, you can ensure the amount of high-quality protein required by the body.

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